#JustAskArts - Plants & Gardening Q&A

Art's Nursery's team of plant geeks, horticulturists and designers is looking forward to answering your questions about plants, providing design inspiration and solving the challenges you are experiencing in your garden. There are no dumb questions. We may not know everything, but we'll do our best to get you a good answer! But so you know, all of our answers will be biased towards our area, our plant selection and our Pacific Northwest Climate. So what are you waiting for? Ask Your Question

Category: Plant Care

Q. how do you go about finding out if a ginkgo tree thats been grafted and sold as a male cultivar doesnt have a female tree used as root stock

Posted On: 12/8/2017 12:00:00 AM  | In Category : Plant Care

Hello how do you go about finding out if a ginkgo tree thats been grafted and sold as a male cultivar doesnt have a female tree used as root stock? Are there signs to look out for to tell if a female root stocks been used? Ive read that a ginkgo tree thats sold as a male tree but has a female root stock and a male tree grafted on top of it can revert back to being female when tree is mature and start producing seeds.

Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Tags: ginkgo, rootstock, ginkgo seeds, ginkgo rootstock, male and female ginkgo

Q. How to Store Dahlia Tubers For the Winter?

Posted On: 10/28/2017 12:00:00 AM  | In Category : Plant Care

Connie asks, How Do I Store my Dahlia tubers for the winter?

Location: Tsawwassen, British Columbia, Canada
Tags: dahlia, dahlia tubers, dahlia tuber storage, protecting dahlias, over wintering dahlias

Q. When is the absolute deadline for planting anything

Posted On: 10/10/2017 12:00:00 AM  | In Category : Plant Care

When is the absolute deadline for planting anything?

Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Tags: transplant, winter planting, fall planting

Q. Is October Too Late to Transplant Daylilies?

Posted On: 10/7/2017 12:00:00 AM  | In Category : Plant Care

In the Lower Fraser Valley is early October too late to transplant a clump of well established daylilies? I do not want to divide the clump.

Location: North Delta, British Columbia, Canada
Tags: daylilies, transplant perennials, daylily, transplant daylily
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