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Goumi or Eleagnus multiflora is a hardy, versatile small berry producing shrub for the fruit garden border or wildlife garden.  It is a medium sized deciduous shrub that is absolutely covered in tiny silvery pale yellow white flowers that are very sweetly fragrant and well loved by bees.  The flowers bloom in May followed by small oblong fruit with a sweet and tangy flavour when ripe.  A great picking tip is to spread a sheet under the shrub and gently shake.  The berries drop when perfectly ripe.  They are high in vitamins and make wonderful cordials, juices and jellies.  This deciduous shrub also has a hidden superpower…it is a nitrogen fixer.  It actually helps improve the soil around it!!


Eleagnus multiflora is native to China, Japan and Korea.  In Japan there is a festival honoring the Goumi.  Its flowers symbolize purity and wild beauty.  While very popular in Asia, Japan, and some parts of the Middle East, it is relatively unknown in North America.


The Goumi is an easy-care plant and can grow in relatively poor soils.  It is happy in a loamy well draining soil in full sun.  They can grow to about 8 feet and are very happy in a full sun position rewarding you with loads of flowers and fruit.  You will find over time the plants growing next to them will be much happier than in other parts of the garden because of their nitrogen fixing properties.  Take care when picking as they do have long thorns spaced quite irregularly throughout.


Goumi can be grown in a large container, though they are happiest in the ground where their roots can spread horizontally.


The simple flowers are well loved by a multitude of native bees and hoverflies.  Goumi’s are thought to be partially self fruitful but if you want viable seeds to plant it is better to have 2 unrelated plants close to one another.   In my experience with single plantings, the shrubs produce heavy crops of fruits once they are established so it may well be a result of maturity rather than pollination.  Having a second unrelated goumi certainly won’t hurt and will make your surrounding garden plants quite happy!


Pruning Goumi is minimal and is just done for the odd branch that is blocking the pathway or is sprawling onto it’s neighbours.  For best flowering and fruiting it is better to leave it bee (no pun intended).

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We strive to keep all online pricing as accurate as possible. However, occasional discrepancies can occur and prices may be subject to change without prior notice. When a discrepancy exists, the in-store price will be deemed to be correct. We apologize in advance if this occurs.


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