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Fruit & Nut Trees

One of the joys of gardening is planting and eating your own home-grown fruit and nuts. The choices are huge: apple trees, pear trees, asian pears, plums, cherries, peaches, nectarines, figs, hazelnuts, walnuts and more! We carry a large and diverse selection of fruit and nut trees for your planting pleasure including lesser know types like Quince, Mume Apricots, Mulberries and more. The best selection happens each spring as new stock arrives but our selection is large at any time of year!

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Note About Product Availability & Online Pricing:

Not all products are in-stock at all times. Our website is NOT a real time inventory. Availability is subject to change without prior notice. If you are making a special trip to see us, please confirm availability in advance by calling 604.882.1201 during business hours.

We strive to keep all online pricing as accurate as possible. However, occasional discrepancies can occur and prices may be subject to change without prior notice. When a discrepancy exists, the in-store price will be deemed to be correct. We apologize in advance if this occurs.

Copyright (c) 2024 Art's Nursery Ltd.  | 8940 192nd Street, Surrey, BC, Canada, V4N 3W8  | tel: 604.882.1201  | SiteMap  | Privacy Statement |

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