Product | Size | Price |
Cascading Hosta Fountain
From $1,100.00
Last Online Update 12/18/2024
Gold Fountains Sedge
This long-lived cool season evergreen perennial grass forms a lacy cascading mound of vibrant green elegantly edged with gold; subtle flowers are the same colour as the foliage and dry to light brown; fairly drought tolerant in shade once established.
From $3.49
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Last Online Update 11/3/2011
Gold Fountains Sedge
This long-lived cool season evergreen perennial grass forms a lacy cascading mound of vibrant green elegantly edged with gold; subtle flowers are the same colour as the foliage and dry to light brown; fairly drought tolerant in shade once established.
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Gold Fountains Sedge
This long-lived cool season evergreen perennial grass forms a lacy cascading mound of vibrant green elegantly edged with gold; subtle flowers are the same colour as the foliage and dry to light brown; fairly drought tolerant in shade once established.
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Gold Fountains Sedge
This is a delightful rockery/border evergreen with a graceful, arching habit. Small clumps feature narrow, golden-edged foliage!
From $12.98
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Last Online Update 5/6/2020
Hosta Green Glow Rhizomes
Green Glow Hosta mix has a range of stunning green foliage. This summer bloomer is great for a border. 16-40 inches tall.
From $9.98
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Last Online Update 1/13/2023
Abiqua Drinking Gourd Hosta
Abiqua Drinking Gourd stands out in any garden with its powder blue, oval, cupped leaves and its large upright growth pattern. Tubular shaped white flowers begin to appear around mid July.
From $14.98
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Last Online Update 5/25/2022
Hosta 'Atlantis'
This large specimen selection has wavy, pointed green leaves with a wide light-yellow border. Tall stems of soft lavender flowers appear in July. Suitable for planting in mixed containers or tubs. Hosta go completely dormant in the fall, and the dying foliage can be removed any time before mid spring.
From $16.98
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Last Online Update 2/9/2022
Autumn Frost Hosta PW
Autumn Frost's leaves emerge frosty blue with a bright yellow margin that lightens to creamy white during the summer. It forms a medium sized mound topped with light lavender flowers in mid to late summer.
From $34.98
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Last Online Update 2/15/2023
Barbara Ann Hosta
Hosta Barbara Ann has thick, corrugated, blue-green leaves with broad, creamy margins that lighten to white as it matures. Near white flowers appear in midsummer and attract hummingbirds. Good slug resistance.
From $14.98
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Last Online Update 6/11/2021
Ben Vernooy Hosta
Intense blue leaves with very wide creamy white edges, holds its color and form till frost, light lavender flowers bloom mid-summer.
From $16.98
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Last Online Update 6/4/2014
Big Daddy Hosta
Large bluish-purple leaves with distinctly upturned leaf margins. Pale purple flowers appear in the summer.
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Big Daddy Hosta
Large bluish-purple leaves with distinctly upturned leaf margins. Pale purple flowers appear in the summer.
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Big Daddy Hosta
Large bluish-purple leaves with distinctly upturned leaf margins. Pale purple flowers appear in the summer.
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Blue Angel Hosta
This huge specimen selection has big, heart-shaped blue-grey leaves and tall stems of near-white flowers in midsummer. Good slug resistance.
From $12.98
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Last Online Update 2/28/2018
Blue Ivory Hosta
This medium selection has leaves with blue centres and wide creamy-white margins in spring that in summer, brighten to white while the leaves deepen to blue-green.
From $16.98
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Last Online Update 2/28/2018
Blue Mouse Ears Hosta
Miniature Hosta.Thick, round blue-green-grey leaves. Part of the Designer Collection. Perfect for rock gardens and containers.
From $14.98
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Last Online Update 5/13/2020
Blue Mouse Ears Hosta
Miniature Hosta.Thick, round blue-green-grey leaves. Part of the Designer Collection. Perfect for rock gardens and containers.
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 1/10/2022
Blue Mouse Ears Hosta
Miniature Hosta.Thick, round blue-green-grey leaves. Part of the Designer Collection. Perfect for rock gardens and containers.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 1/24/2022
Blueberry Muffin Hosta
A medium sized hosta with long-lasting blue foliage. Unique mauve stems with lavender flowers
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Bressingham Blue Hosta
Large specimen selection with outstanding cupped, powdery blue leaves with a puckered appearance. Near white flowers in July. Somewhat slug resistant.
From $9.98
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Last Online Update 3/20/2012
Brother Stefan Hosta
Striking, large leaves with heavy seersucker texture and a bold variegation consisting of irregular central venation in a vibrant chartreuse and graduating shades of darker green marginal color. In early summer, strong, sturdy, green stems with yellow outlines support racemes of nearly white flowers.
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 2/28/2018
Cameo Hosta
This miniature selection has small, round, green leaves with cream margins. Purple flowers appear in early summer.
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Canadian Blue Hosta
This shade perennial forms a mound of blue-green heart-shaped leaves, set off nicely by the pale lavender lily-shaped flowers in mid-summer.
From $12.98
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Last Online Update 1/24/2022
Cherry Berry Plantain Lily
Very neat compact habit with white centered leaves irregularly streaked with light and dark green. Named for the cherry-red color of the petioles, scapes and seed pods.
From $14.98
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Last Online Update 9/22/2014
Church Mouse Hosta
A dwarf hosta with thinck waxy blue-green to green leaves. Just the right size for the front of the border or in minature rockery.
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 2/28/2018
Color Festival Hosta
Medium to large growing hosta with tri-coloured leaves; dark green with white centres edged with splashes of golden yellow. Good slug resistance.
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Dancing with Dragons Hosta
This selection has heart-shaped leaves with margins that are heavily rippled and give a showy wavy look. Dancing with Dragons keeps its blue color throughout the season. Near white flowers top the habit in late summer.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 2/21/2023
Designer Genes Hosta
The bright golden-green leaves of this iridescent hosta are paired nicely with red petioles.
From $16.98
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Last Online Update 2/27/2020
Diamonds are Forever Hosta
This showy hosta has green leaves with wide white margins, which set off the summer-blooming purple flowers quite nicely.
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 3/7/2020
Diana Remembered Hosta
Versatile and dependable addition to any shady site, hosta excel in both border and container plantings. Named after the late Diana, Princess of Wales, this beautifully elegant selection has large, corrugated green leaves with creamy white edges. Highly fragrant, large, lily-like flowers.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 12/13/2021
Earth Angel Hosta
This spectacular large specimen hosta has thick blue-green leaves with a wide and streaky margin of light yellow to creamy white. Lavender flowers appear in June.
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 5/5/2021
Earth Angel Hosta
This spectacular large specimen hosta has thick blue-green leaves with a wide and streaky margin of light yellow to creamy white. Lavender flowers appear in June.
From $9.98
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Last Online Update 3/21/2012
Earth Angel Hosta
This spectacular large specimen hosta has thick blue-green leaves with a wide and streaky margin of light yellow to creamy white. Lavender flowers appear in June.
From $12.98
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Last Online Update 1/10/2019
Empress Wu Hosta
The world's largest Hosta! Empress Wu reaches over 4 feet at maturity with gigantic two-foot leaves. Leaves are deeply veined and of good substance. Pale lavender blooms appear just above the foliage in early to mid-summer.
From $16.98
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Last Online Update 4/23/2019
Fire and Ice Plantain Lily
This variegated hosta has slightly twisted foliage with a white center and green margins. Lavender flowers with white scapes rise above foliage all summer. Perfect for edging the shade garden.
From $14.98
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Last Online Update 2/16/2012
Fire and Ice Plantain Lily
If you are looking for an easy-care perennial for the part shade the 'Fire and Ice' hosta can brighten your space. They have widely oval and slightly twisted creamy ivory white leaves with dark green margins. They can be planted up front as a border, scattered about or as a specimen plant.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 2/15/2023
Fragrant Blue Hosta
A small vigorous grower with nice blue flowers that are lightly fragrant. New powder blue leaves emerge all summer.
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Francee Hosta
One of the BEST! Forms a three foot clump of dark green leaves with a clear white leaf edge. A perfect hosta being vigorous, easy to grow and simply gorgeous.
From $9.98
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Last Online Update 3/20/2012
Francee Hosta
One of the BEST! Forms a three foot clump of dark green leaves with a clear white leaf edge. A perfect hosta being vigorous, easy to grow and simply gorgeous.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 6/11/2020
Frances Williams Hosta
Big specimen selection with powdery blue-green leaves, with wide creamy-yellow margins. Near white flowers in July. Sun will cause leaf scorching.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 2/15/2023
Frosted Mouse Ears Hosta
This cute miniature version has rounded, blue-green leaves with creamy white margins that emerge gold. Lavender flowers in early summer. Ideal for a shady rock garden, border edge or in containers and troughs.
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 1/24/2022
Frosted Mouse Ears Hosta
This cute miniature version has rounded, blue-green leaves with creamy white margins that emerge gold. Lavender flowers in early summer. Ideal for a shady rock garden, border edge or in containers and troughs.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 1/24/2022
Frosted Mouse Ears Hosta
This cute miniature version has rounded, blue-green leaves with creamy white margins that emerge gold. Lavender flowers in early summer. Ideal for a shady rock garden, border edge or in containers and troughs.
From $9.98
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Last Online Update 8/31/2021
Ginko Craig Plantain Lily
Narrow, lance-like green leaves edged in white make an ideal small edging plant for a shady border. Herbaceous perennial. Partial to full shade. Moderate growing 10 in. tall, spreading wider. Division.
From $7.98
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Last Online Update 2/16/2012
Glad Rags Hosta
This variety has yellow hues and great colour. Thick, heart-shaped, extremely corrugated leaves begin with green centers and chartreuse margins that brighten to gold. As summer progresses, margins turn to creamy white. Flower stalks appear in midsummer with pale lavender to white blooms.
From $29.98
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Last Online Update 6/8/2023
Gold Standard Hosta
Large ovate leaves have dark green margins. Leaf centers emerge light green and become more gold towards summer.
From $9.98
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Last Online Update 5/24/2013
Golden Prayers Plantain Lily
Dramatically textured golden yellow foliage retains color even in shade! Handsome, pale lavender flowers displayed on 18-inch stalks. This popular perennial is terrific in containers.
From $7.98
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Last Online Update 2/16/2012
Great Expectations Hosta
Each leaf is a rich golden-yellow, with arrows of blue and teal before the solid, dark green edging begins, and the thick, puckered texture adds depth to this shade-loving plant.
From $16.98
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Last Online Update 1/24/2022
Guacamole Plantain Lily
Foliage is a soft avocado yellow with streaks of slightly darker blue-green. Large, white lavender blooms release a soft, sweet fragrance. Requires full shade in hot summer areas.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 6/11/2021
Hadspen Blue Hosta
Medium sized blue hosta that holds it's colour all summer than any other. The steel blue leaves are of good substance and slug resistance. Pale lavender flowers
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Halcyon Hosta
Large, mounding hybrid with bluish leaves. Pale flowers in July. This hosta is slow to mature and grows best in a fertile loamy soil in a woodland setting.
From $12.98
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Last Online Update 2/28/2018
Heat Wave Hosta
Durable Hosta with thick, puckered, heart-shaped leaves with chartreuse to gold centres and wide, blue margins. Near-white flowers sit just atop the foliage. Mature specimans are stunning!
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Holy Mouse Ears Hosta
Slow growing Hosta with thick, round, blue-green leaves with yellow-green centres taht become more creamy white by summer. collector cutie!
From $12.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2017
Humpback Whale Hosta
This rare, giant hosta comes from the late Mildred Seaver. Forming a large mound of blue-green foliage, each heart-leaf is slightly corrugated and has a hump in the middle, which causes the tips to point downward. The spring-blooming flowers are nearly white.
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 3/7/2020
Island Breeze Hosta
Bright yellow leaves with green margins. Has unique red stems when emerging in the spring. Centers will turn chartreuse in full shade
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June Hosta
This medium-sized specimen selection has bright yellow leaves with a streaky blue-green margin. Pale lilac flowers appear in July. Suitable also for planting in mixed containers or tubs.
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 1/24/2022
June Hosta
This medium-sized specimen selection has bright yellow leaves with a streaky blue-green margin. Pale lilac flowers appear in July. Suitable also for planting in mixed containers or tubs.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 2/21/2023
June Hosta
This medium-sized specimen selection has bright yellow leaves with a streaky blue-green margin. Pale lilac flowers appear in July. Suitable also for planting in mixed containers or tubs.
From $14.98
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Last Online Update 1/24/2022
June Fever Hosta
A mid-sized specimen hosta with bright yellow leaves with a narrow blue-green margin that streaks inward. Lavender flowers appear in July.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 2/15/2023
June Fever Hosta
A mid-sized specimen hosta with bright yellow leaves with a narrow blue-green margin that streaks inward. Lavender flowers appear in July.
From $9.98
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Last Online Update 3/21/2012
June Fever Hosta
A mid-sized specimen hosta with bright yellow leaves with a narrow blue-green margin that streaks inward. Lavender flowers appear in July.
From $9.98
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Last Online Update 3/21/2012
Key West Hosta
This large, fast-growing specimen has heart-shaped leaves which emerge an intense gold, maturing to chartreuse.
From $16.98
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Last Online Update 9/26/2019
Lakeside Cupcake hosta
Small and attractive, this hosta has rounded, thick, corrugated blue-green leaves with a yellow turning creamy yellow center.
From $6.98
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Last Online Update 6/4/2014
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Liberty Hosta
Outstanding specimen that forms a mound of thick, slug resistant, blue-green leaves with dramatic yellow margins aging to creamy white.
From $14.98
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Last Online Update 1/24/2022
Little Jay Hosta
Hosta Little Jay is a small, very nice hosta and is more suitable for a pot, as a garden flower. White middle of the leaves, margins are narrow, green. You will love it. Save light shade to shade place in your garden to plant hostas.
From $16.98
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Last Online Update 4/21/2021
Lucky Mouse Ears Hosta
Slow growing Hosta with thick, round, blue-green leaves with a wavy yellow margin that slowly turns white as the season progresses, which nicely compliments the lavender flowers.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 1/24/2022
Maui Buttercups Hosta
Midsized selection with deeply-cupped golden-yellow leaves with attractive corrugationa neat green edge. Lavender flowers appear in midsummer. Excellent thick substance, so good slug resistance.
From $16.98
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Last Online Update 3/21/2024
Mighty Mouse Plantain Lily
Variegated sport of Blue Mouse Ears with very stiff rounded leaves, slightly blue-green with pale yellow margins aging to creaming white by summer
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 2/28/2018
Orange Marmalade Plantain Lily
Sparkling bright golden-tangerine accents in spring, which gradually lighten and mature to pure white by summer's end. A vigorous grower, quickly forming a clump 20 inches tall by 3 feet wide.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 6/4/2014
Orange Star Plantain Lily
Handsome tetraploid sport of June Fever having very thick yellow leaves with a wide, intense dark green margin. soft lilac flowers mid-summer.
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 6/26/2015
Patriot Plantain Lily
Bold, dark green foliage displaying a creamy white, 1-inch wide margin to the leaves. Brightens a shady border. An offspring of the popular variety, 'Francee'. Tolerates more heat.
From $12.98
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Last Online Update 2/16/2012
Patriot Hosta
Bold, dark green foliage displaying a creamy white, 1-inch wide margin to the leaves. Brightens a shady border. An offspring of the popular variety, 'Francee'. Tolerates more heat. Attracts hummingbirds.
From $12.98
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Last Online Update 1/10/2022
Patriot Hosta
Bold, dark green foliage displaying a creamy white, 1-inch wide margin to the leaves. Brightens a shady border. An offspring of the popular variety, 'Francee'. Tolerates more heat. Attracts hummingbirds.
From $16.98
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Last Online Update 5/31/2022
Paul's Glory Hosta
Bright yellow to creamy white leaves with a wide blue-green margin. Near-white flowers appear in July. Best with some sun.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 2/15/2023
Popcorn Hosta
Merdium hosta with slightly puckered leaves. Creamy yellow leaves with blue margins in spring turn cream white in summer.
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Prairie Sky Hosta
This lovely hosta has distinctively soft blue foliage, with gently cupped leaves and pale lavender flowers.
From $14.98
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Last Online Update 2/27/2020
Praying Hands Hosta
This strange and bizarre selection has green leaves with white edges, each rolled or folded into a ruffled tube shape. Pale lavender flowers appear in August.
From $16.98
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Last Online Update 3/31/2016
Praying Hands Hosta
This strange and bizarre selection has green leaves with white edges, each rolled or folded into a ruffled tube shape. Pale lavender flowers appear in August.
From $7.98
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Last Online Update 6/25/2020
Rainforest Sunrise hosta
Plants form a sturdy mound of foliage, topped with lily-like blooms. This small selection features crinkly golden-yellow leaves with streaky dark-green margins. Pale-lavender flowers appear in June.
From $6.98
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Last Online Update 6/4/2014
Rainforest Sunrise hosta
Plants form a sturdy mound of foliage, topped with lily-like blooms. This small selection features crinkly golden-yellow leaves with streaky dark-green margins. Pale-lavender flowers appear in June.
From $16.98
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Last Online Update 3/31/2016
School Mouse Hosta
Miniature Hosta with intensely wavy leaves. Blue-Green to green leaves and creamy yellow margins. Great for a shady rockery or planter
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 2/28/2018
Hosta Diamond lake
Use this large blue hosta to add color to your shade garden! Attractive, heart-shaped, thick and heavily corrugated blue leaves have wavy margins. Pale lavender flowers.
From $29.98
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Last Online Update 3/2/2022
Elegans Hosta
Large Hosta with large heart-shaped blue-green leaves The foliage is usually ribbed and heavily dimpled. In early summer, white flowers with a lavender blush. Pest resistant.
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Sitting Pretty Plantain Lily
A variegated form with rich, creamy yellow centers surrounded by margins of two shades of green. Slender stalks of delicate funnel shaped purple blooms float above the dense, mounding foliage.
From $7.98
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Last Online Update 2/16/2012
Snow Cap hosta
This medium-sized selection has large grey-green leaves with a streaky white to cream margin. Near-white flowers appear in June. Also good for planting in mixed containers or tubs.
From $6.98
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Last Online Update 6/4/2014
So Sweet Hosta
Glossy, deep green leaves with creamy yellow margins that fade to white. Strongly fragrant white flowers appear on 28" scapes in summer.
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Stained Glass Hosta
This midsized specimen selection has bright golden-yellow leaves with a wide, streaky green margin. Slightly fragrant pale lavender flowers appear in August.
From $12.98
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Last Online Update 10/27/2016
Sugar Daddy Hosta
Sugar Daddy has very thick, corrugated, slightly-cupped, powder-blue leaves with streaky yellow margins which lighten to creamy-white as the season progresses. Cream coloured flowers appear in June.
From $14.98
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Last Online Update 5/21/2020
Sum & Substance Hosta
Large chartreuse leaves that will fade to golden yellow. Lavender flowers on 50in tall scapes. Selected as 2004 Hosta of the Year by the American Hosta Growers Association. Slug Resistant!
From $9.98
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Last Online Update 5/26/2016
Sum & Substance Hosta
Large chartreuse leaves that will fade to golden yellow. Lavender flowers on 50in tall scapes. Selected as 2004 Hosta of the Year by the American Hosta Growers Association. Slug Resistant!
From $12.98
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Last Online Update 5/3/2017
Sun Mouse Hosta
Miniature Hosta with brilliantly yellow leaves. Thick heart shaped foliage and lavender flowers in summer
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 2/28/2018
Plantain Lily
Versatile and dependable addition to any shady site, hosta excel in both border and container plantings. Attractive variety with thick, upward facing, rounded leaves that emerge yellow (maturing to chartreuse with irregular dark green borders and contrasting red petioles.
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 6/2/2020
Plantain Lily
Versatile and dependable addition to any shady site, hosta excel in both border and container plantings. Attractive variety with thick, upward facing, rounded leaves that emerge yellow (maturing to chartreuse with irregular dark green borders and contrasting red petioles.
From $16.98
Last Online Update 9/30/2024
True Blue Hosta
This cultivar has oval to heart-shaped, puckered, gray-blue leaves, up to 12 inches long. In midsummer, off-white flowers bloom. Pest Resistant.
From $9.98
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Last Online Update 2/18/2010
Albomarginata Hosta
Plants form sturdy mounds of foliage, topped with lily-like blooms. This medium-sized heirloom selection has dark-green leaves streaked with lighter green, and a wide creamy-white margin. Lavender flowers appear in July.
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Somewhat wavy leaf margins with white outer edge with green inside. Attractive as a perennial border plant or low hedge.
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The leaves are a deep glossy forest green, almost leather-like in appearance. Strongly veined, broadly heart-shaped. Beautiful large purple striped flowers on 3' stalks bloom in mid-summer.
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Warwick Comet Hosta
Nearly round leaves are cupped and corrugated, slightly shiny, dark green with a white center.
From $16.98
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Last Online Update 6/4/2014
Wide Brim Hosta
Plants are nicely mounded with dark green leaves that have gorgeous irregular buttery yellow margins. Lavender flowers emerge from the plants on 24” scapes in late summer.
From $9.98
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Last Online Update 6/4/2014
Wide Brim Hosta
Rounded green leaves with wide cream to gold margins,lightly quilted. Lots of pale lavender flowers in July. A highly rated award winning variety.
Zone: 2; 24" Height x 36" Spread.
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Wide Brim Hosta
Rounded green leaves with wide cream to gold margins,lightly quilted. Lots of pale lavender flowers in July. A highly rated award winning variety.
Zone: 2; 24" Height x 36" Spread.
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Wind Beneath My Wings Hosta
'Wind beneath My Wings' has an incredibly large, spreading habit of heart-shaped, ruffled blue leaves. Pale lavender flowers appear in midsummer.
From $16.98
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Last Online Update 2/15/2023