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We provide prices online as a reference. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. In case of discrepancy, the instore price shall be deemed as correct. This search is NOT a real time inventory. Please treat it as a reference guide to products we have carried in the past. Call 604.882.1201 to confirm inventory and availability

Search Results:

ProductSize | Price
Calocedrus decurrens
California Incense Cedar
Calocedrus decurrens

Requires full sun or partial shade with some protection from harsh winds. Do not plant incense cedars in wet locations. The feathery texture of the tree makes a striking hedger as it can be trimmed to size.

10-12 ft
From $89.98
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Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula

This conifer needs to be staked where you want it to go. It can be staked upright, or nurtured into an arch or trained over a pond or garden edge. Powder blue needles weep down from the main branches.

From $320.00
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Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula

This conifer needs to be staked where you want it to go. It can be staked upright, or nurtured into an arch or trained over a pond or garden edge. Powder blue needles weep down from the main branches.

From $360.00
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Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula

This conifer needs to be staked where you want it to go. It can be staked upright, or nurtured into an arch or trained over a pond or garden edge. Powder blue needles weep down from the main branches.

From $320.00
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Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula

This conifer needs to be staked where you want it to go. It can be staked upright, or nurtured into an arch or trained over a pond or garden edge. Powder blue needles weep down from the main branches.

B&B 5-6ft
From $360.00
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Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula

This conifer needs to be staked where you want it to go. It can be staked upright, or nurtured into an arch or trained over a pond or garden edge. Powder blue needles weep down from the main branches.

From $320.00
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Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula

This conifer needs to be staked where you want it to go. It can be staked upright, or nurtured into an arch or trained over a pond or garden edge. Powder blue needles weep down from the main branches.

From $320.00
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Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula'
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula'

This conifer needs to be staked where you want it to go. It can be staked upright, or nurtured into an arch or trained over a pond or garden edge. Powder blue needles weep down from the main branches.

From $220.00
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Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula'
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula'

This conifer needs to be staked where you want it to go. It can be staked upright, or nurtured into an arch or trained over a pond or garden edge. Powder blue needles weep down from the main branches.

From $480.00
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Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula'
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula'

This conifer needs to be staked where you want it to go. It can be staked upright, or nurtured into an arch or trained over a pond or garden edge. Powder blue needles weep down from the main branches.

From $480.00
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Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula 4-5ft
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula 4-5ft

This conifer needs to be staked where you want it to go. It can be staked upright, or nurtured into an arch or trained over a pond or garden edge. Powder blue needles weep down from the main branches.

B&B 4-5ft
From $280.00
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Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula 4-5ft
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula 4-5ft

This conifer needs to be staked where you want it to go. It can be staked upright, or nurtured into an arch or trained over a pond or garden edge. Powder blue needles weep down from the main branches.

B&B 4-5ft
From $369.00
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Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula 5-6ft
Weeping Blue Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica glauca pendula 5-6ft

This conifer needs to be staked where you want it to go. It can be staked upright, or nurtured into an arch or trained over a pond or garden edge. Powder blue needles weep down from the main branches.

B&B 5-6ft
From $320.00
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Cedrus atlantica glauca 'Serpentine' B&B
Weeping Serpentine Blue Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica glauca 'Serpentine' B&B

Same plant as pendula only we have trained the trunk to serpentine back and forth up a stake. Short blue-green needles. Weeping habit of growth requires leader is be staked upright.

From $480.00
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Cedrus atlantica glauca 'Serpentine' B&B
Weeping Serpentine Blue Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica glauca 'Serpentine' B&B

Same plant as pendula only we have trained the trunk to serpentine back and forth up a stake. Short blue-green needles. Weeping habit of growth requires leader is be staked upright.

3-4ft (B&B)
From $349.00
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Cedrus atlantica 'Horstmann'
Horstmann Blue Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica 'Horstmann'

A semi-dwarf selection with densely-spaced icy-blue needles. The architectural, irregular outline gives this great interest in the garden year-round. Superb where space is limited. Evergreen.

From $199.00
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Cedrus atlantica 'Horstmann'
Horstmann Blue Atlas Cedars
Cedrus atlantica 'Horstmann'

A semi-dwarf selection with densely-spaced icy-blue needles. The architectural, irregular outline gives this great interest in the garden year-round. Superb where space is limited. Evergreen.

From $380.00
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Cedrus atlantica 'Sapphire Nymph'
Sapphire Nymph Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica 'Sapphire Nymph'

Dwarf cedar with petite silvery blue foliage. New growth is a sparkling creamy white. Does best with full sun and a well draining soil.

From $39.98
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Cedrus atlantica 'Silberspitz'
Silver Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica 'Silberspitz'

With creamy white new growth, this upright conifer boasts blue-green needles. The new growth gains burnished yellow tones in late fall and winter.

From $380.00
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Cedrus atlantica 'Silberspitz'
Silver Atlas Cedar
Cedrus atlantica 'Silberspitz'

With creamy white new growth, this upright conifer boasts blue-green needles. The new growth gains burnished yellow tones in late fall and winter.

7-8 ft
From $360.00
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Cedrus deodara
Deodar Cedar
Cedrus deodara

Popular specimen evergreen tree. Very graceful pendulous branches. Foliage is blue-grayish green, almost silvery at times. 3-4 inch cones in singles or pairs reddish brown in maturity.

From $89.98
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Cedrus deodara
Deodar Cedar
Cedrus deodara

Popular specimen evergreen tree. Very graceful pendulous branches. Foliage is blue-grayish green, almost silvery at times. 3-4 inch cones in singles or pairs reddish brown in maturity.

From $600.00
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Cedrus deodara 'Aurea'
Golden Deodara Cedar
Cedrus deodara 'Aurea'

Graceful conifer, drooping growth habit, bears golden foliage in Spring and most of the year.

From $140.00
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Cedrus deodara aurea 6-7ft
Golden Deodar Cedar
Cedrus deodara aurea 6-7ft

Graceful conifer, drooping growth habit, bears golden foliage in Spring and most of the year.

From $289.00
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Cedrus deodara 'Feelin' Blue' B&B
Feelin' Blue Spreading Himalayan Cedar
Cedrus deodara 'Feelin' Blue' B&B

A prostrate mounding blue coloured conifer - keep fertilized. Train to desired height, otherwise it will only grow about 1-2ft, although it can be trianed to 4-6ft in time. Can also be top grafted for topiary.

From $269.00
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Cedrus deodara 'Feeling Blue'
Feeling Blue Spreading Himalayan Cedar
Cedrus deodara 'Feeling Blue'

A prostrate mounding blue coloured conifer - keep fertilized.Train to desired height, otherwise it will only grow about 1-2ft, although it can be trianed to 4-6ft in time. Can also be top grafted for topiary.

From $34.98
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Cedrus deodara 'Karl Fuchs'  7-8ft
Karl Fuchs Himalayan Cedar
Cedrus deodara 'Karl Fuchs' 7-8ft

An impressive evergreen with bright blue growth in spring, that gradually matures to green, with a shimmering effect throughout most of the year. A dramatic display of colour!

B&B 7-8ft
From $360.00
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Cedrus deodora 'Divinely Blue'
Divinely Blue Deodora
Cedrus deodora 'Divinely Blue'

This is a globe, compact form. Suited to borders & small rock gardens. Nice blue foliage. Grows 2-4 inches per year.

From $89.98
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Cedrus deodora 'Feeling Blue'
Feeling Bllue Deodar Cedar
Cedrus deodora 'Feeling Blue'

This beautiful weeping conifer's long tresses are a bold accent for small space gardens. . Allow to spread to their full diameter for soft mounded groundcover. Use to flank art and fountains on porch or patio. Evergreen conifer. Full sun.

From $79.98
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Cedrus deodora 'Feeling Blue'
Feeling Blue Spreading Himalayan Cedar
Cedrus deodora 'Feeling Blue'

A prostrate mounding blue coloured conifer - keep fertilized.Train to desired height, otherwise it will only grow about 1-2ft, although it can be trained to 4-6ft in time. Can also be top grafted for topiary.

From $16.98
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Cedrus deodora 'Feeling Blue'
Feeling Bllue Deodar Cedar
Cedrus deodora 'Feeling Blue'

This beautiful weeping conifer's long tresses are a bold accent for small space gardens. . Allow to spread to their full diameter for soft mounded groundcover. Use to flank art and fountains on porch or patio. Evergreen conifer. Full sun.

From $89.98
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Cedrus deodora 'Feeling Blue'
Feeling Blue Spreading Himalayan Cedar
Cedrus deodora 'Feeling Blue'

A prostrate mounding blue coloured conifer - keep fertilized.Train to desired height, otherwise it will only grow about 1-2ft, although it can be trianed to 4-6ft in time. Can also be top grafted for topiary.

From $34.98
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Cedrus deodora 'Feeling Blue'
Feeling Blue Spreading Himalayan Cedar
Cedrus deodora 'Feeling Blue'

A prostrate mounding blue coloured conifer - keep fertilized.Train to desired height, otherwise it will only grow about 1-2ft, although it can be trianed to 4-6ft in time. Can also be top grafted for topiary.

From $100.00
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Cedrus deodora var albo-spica
Deodara Cedar
Cedrus deodora var albo-spica

A broadly pyramidal tree with green needles and stunning creamy white new growth.

From $50.00
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Cedrus libani brevifolia B&B  6-7'
Cypress Cedar
Cedrus libani brevifolia B&B 6-7'

Small, slow-growing cultivar with blue-green foliage. Great for bonsai, containers, and rock gardens.

B&B (6-7')
From $349.00
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Cedrus libani pendula SPECIMEN
Weeping Lebanon Cedar
Cedrus libani pendula SPECIMEN

Attractive conifer with long, clustered needles of sea green, dark, scaly bark and long, pendulous branches.

From $689.00
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We strive to ensure that all prices displayed are accurate. In case of a price discrepancy, the in-store price shall be deemed to be correct.

Not all products are in-store at all times. Please treat this data as a product reference, not a real time inventory. Always call ahead 604.882.1201 to ensure availability.

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