Product | Size | Price |
Red Japanese Maple
Vigourous grower with deep purple-red leaves. Keeps colour well all through the growing season. Possible mature height 15-20ft.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 4/26/2013
Red Japanese Maple
Vigourous grower with deep purple-red leaves. Keeps colour well all through the growing season. Possible mature height 15-20ft.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 4/26/2013
Red Japanese Maple
Vigourous grower with deep purple-red leaves. Keeps colour well all through the growing season. Possible mature height 15-20ft.
From $160.00
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Last Online Update 4/26/2013
Japanese Maple
Vigourous grower with deep purple-red leaves. Keeps colour well all through the growing season. Possible mature height 15-20ft.
From $220.00
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Last Online Update 4/13/2023
Japanese Maple
Japanese maples have distinctive foliage which often changes with the seasons.
From $380.00
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Last Online Update 4/13/2023
Adrian's Compact Japanese Maple
Adrians Compact Japanese Maple has attractive burgundy foliage which emerges scarlet in spring. The lobed palmate leaves are highly ornamental and turn outstanding shades of orange and scarlet in the fall. Neither the flowers nor the fruit are ornamentally significant. The rough brick red bark adds an interesting dimension to the landscape.
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Aka shigitatsu sawa Japanese Maple
Tall, bushy tree with variegated foliage. Deeply lobed leaves have a wavy and sharply serrated margin and pink-red colouring on yellow and green background. Japanese name means ‘red snipes over a winter marsh’.
From $59.98
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Last Online Update 5/25/2022
Akita Yatsubusa Japanese Maple
Dwarf deciduous shrub with a round form. The five to seven narrow lobes are long and thin. Pinkish-yellow-red leaves turn to red in fall. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. Hardy.
From $149.98
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Last Online Update 4/16/2012
Amagi shigure Japanese Maple
Bright pink new growth contrast with mature purple leaves that has black veining. Spectacular orange fall color. This dwarf variety works great in containers.
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 9/16/2014
Ao kanzashi Japanese Maple
This small vase-shaped tree has pale-green leaves with cream variegation, which turn orange-gold in fall.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 3/5/2020
Ao shime no uchi shidare Japanese Maple
Small upright tree with slightly pendulous branching and green linearilobum-type leaves that turn yellow, gold and orange in the Fall.
From $59.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Aoyagi Japanese Maple
Striking upright form with pea-green branches in winter. Wonderful counterpart to the red stems of Sangokaku, or coral bark maple. Bright green leaves in spring develop vibrant yellow fall color for extended interest.
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Rough Bark Japanese Maple
This vigorous, upright tree develops cracks, creases and fissures that give it an aged look when young. Green, palmate foliage in summer and scarlet red in fall with fascinating bark for winter.
From $140.00
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Last Online Update 4/9/2018
Rough Bark Japanese Maple
This vigorous, upright tree develops cracks, creases and fissures that give it an aged look when young. Green, palmate foliage in summer and scarlet red in fall with fascinating bark for winter.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 4/4/2018
Rough Bark Japanese Maple
This vigorous, upright tree develops cracks, creases and fissures that give it an aged look when young. Green, palmate foliage in summer and scarlet red in fall with fascinating bark for winter.
From $169.00
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Last Online Update 6/2/2020
Rough Bark Japanese Maple
This vigorous, upright tree develops cracks, creases and fissures that give it an aged look when young. Green, palmate foliage in summer and scarlet red in fall with fascinating bark for winter.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/6/2020
Aratama Dwarf Japanese Maple
Highly sought after & rare dwarf. Bright red foliage - varies from brick red to light purple/red. In summer turns green into the center with only a touch of red remaining on the margins.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Aratama Dwarf Japanese Maple
Highly sought after & rare dwarf. Bright red foliage - varies from brick red to light purple/red. In summer turns green into the center with only a touch of red remaining on the margins.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/14/2022
Aratama Dwarf Japanese Maple
Highly sought after & rare dwarf. Bright red foliage - varies from brick red to light purple/red. In summer turns green into the center with only a touch of red remaining on the margins.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/1/2022
Asagi nighiki Japanese Maple
This small bushy tree has pale-green leaves with cream variegation, which turn bright red in fall.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 3/5/2020
Red Leaf Japanese Maple
This is a larger variety of this species with larger five lobed leaves that stay dark purple-red throughout the season.
From $69.98
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Last Online Update 3/11/2013
Red Leaf Japanese Maple
This is a larger variety of this species with larger five lobed leaves that stay dark purple-red throughout the season.
From $280.00
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Last Online Update 3/9/2016
Red Leaf Japanese Maple
Graceful deciduous tree displaying star-like leaves which hold an excellent reddish-purple coloring. Foliage makes an outstanding contrast with green leaved plants. Brilliant red fall color.
From $34.98
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Last Online Update 4/30/2018
Golden Japanese Maple
A palmate leaf with golden yellow coloring instead of the familiar green or red. The tree is very upright in habit with a vase-like shape. Autumn leaves are orange/red.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 4/1/2021
Golden Japanese Maple
A palmate leaf with golden yellow coloring instead of the familiar green or red. The tree is very upright in habit with a vase-like shape. Autumn leaves are orange/red.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 4/17/2013
Baby Ghost Japanese Maple
A broad, upright tree with greenish purple leaves. Fall color is a fantastic orange-red. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil.
From $79.98
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Last Online Update 6/4/2014
Beni hime Japanese Maple
This very slow-growing dwarf tree has tiny red leaves on deep red stems, which mature through a red-tipped green summer into a raspberry purple fall.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 4/2/2021
Beni hoshi - Ruby Stars Japanese Maple
This dwarf upright Japanese maple is highly prized for its incredibly cute, star-shaped foliage. Bright red in spring, the leaves turn green during summer. Then, a second flush of new bright red growth creates a striking contrast against the mature green foliage.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 4/1/2021
Beni Maiko Japanese Maple
Striking tree with fire engine red leaves in spring turning pinkish before turning totally green in summer. In fall leaves turn a deep pinkish-red which spreads until the whole leaf lights up. Semi Dwarf.
From $69.98
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Last Online Update 5/29/2012
Beni maiko Japanese Maple
Striking tree with fire engine red leaves in spring turning pinkish before turning totally green in summer. In fall leaves turn a deep pinkish-red which spreads until the whole leaf lights up. Semi Dwarf.
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Beni musume Japanese Maple
Semi dwarf tree. Spring color is bronze-green, turning yellow in the summer.
From $59.98
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Last Online Update 6/2/2020
8Beni musume Japanese Maple
Semi dwarf tree. Spring color is bronze-green, turning yellow in the summer.
From $59.98
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Last Online Update 6/1/2020
Beni otaki Japanese Maple
A red upright variety. Very unique, long, and narrow foliage make this semi-dwarf Japanese Maple look like red bamboo. Stems are horizontally branched off main upright leader.
From $220.00
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Last Online Update 10/13/2021
Beni Otaki Japanese Maple
A red upright variety. Very unique, long, and narrow foliage make this semi-dwarf Japanese maple look like red bamboo. Stems are horizontally branched off main upright leader.
From $59.98
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Last Online Update 3/3/2011
Beni otaki Japanese Maple
A red upright variety. Very unique, long, and narrow foliage make this semi-dwarf Japanese Maple look like red bamboo. Stems are horizontally branched off main upright leader.
From $200.00
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Last Online Update 10/13/2021
Beni otaki Japanese Maple
A red upright variety. Very unique, long, and narrow foliage make this semi-dwarf Japanese Maple look like red bamboo. Stems are horizontally branched off main upright leader.
From $49.98
Last Online Update 4/27/2024
Beni Shichihenge Japanese Maple
Narrow, upright. Green foliage with white-coral-pink-orange margins, deep red branch tips. Easy to grow, reasonably winter tolerant and slow to mature.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 4/17/2013
Beni shichihenge Japanese Maple
This Japanese Maple shines in the spring. Its leaves are radiant with color – fresh bright greens edged in pure, clear white, heavily marked with eye-catching rose-pink, with an added undertone of orange.
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Beni ubi gohon Japanese Maple
Dwarf tree with diminutive linearilobum foliage that is deep purple-red through the growing season.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 10/13/2021
Bihou Japanese Maple
A small, upright deciduous tree with tiny yellow-green leaves. Fall color is yellow to orange. Bark on twigs and branches turns a vivid coral yellow with an orange overcast in winter.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 12/7/2021
Bihou Japanese Maple
A small, upright deciduous tree with tiny yellow-green leaves. Fall color is yellow to orange. Bark on twigs and branches turns a vivid coral yellow with an orange overcast in winter.
From $79.98
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Last Online Update 8/31/2017
Bihou Japanese Maple
A small, upright deciduous tree with tiny yellow-green leaves. Fall color is yellow to orange. Bark on twigs and branches turns a vivid coral yellow with an orange overcast in winter.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 5/4/2018
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 3/24/2022
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $380.00
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Last Online Update 4/5/2023
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/2/2022
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $129.98
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Last Online Update 4/2/2020
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $480.00
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Last Online Update 4/14/2018
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Attractive foliage with burgundy red coloring turns brilliant scarlet in fall. The interesting red-black bark provides striking interest in winter. This slender, airy tree is well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or for patios and entryways. One of the hardiest of Japanese maples, with good sun tolerance. Deciduous.
From $320.00
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Last Online Update 6/29/2019
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $160.00
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Last Online Update 2/14/2022
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $149.98
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Last Online Update 6/26/2013
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 2/14/2022
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $180.00
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Last Online Update 4/7/2022
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $220.00
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Last Online Update 3/28/2020
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $79.98
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Last Online Update 6/26/2013
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $180.00
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Last Online Update 5/8/2011
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $360.00
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Last Online Update 3/17/2022
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $59.98
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Last Online Update 4/18/2023
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 9/29/2021
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $380.00
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Last Online Update 2/3/2022
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
One of the most popular red Japanese maples. Darkest reds of any cultivar. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $580.00
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Last Online Update 4/13/2023
Bonfire Japanese Maple
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Bonfire Japanese Maple
A slow-growing upright deciduous tree. Bright crimson new growth turns green by summer. Fiery-red in fall. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years.
From $129.98
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Last Online Update 6/8/2012
Burgundy Lace Red Japanese Maple
This Japanese Maple has delicate burgundy-red, deeply divided leaves with serrated edges. Low branched, slightly pendulous. Spreading tree.
From $169.00
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Last Online Update 4/3/2013
Burgundy Lace Red Japanese Maple
This Japanese Maple has delicate burgundy-red, deeply divided leaves with serrated edges. Low branched, slightly pendulous. Spreading tree.
From $169.00
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Last Online Update 6/8/2012
Burgundy Lace Red Japanese Maple
This Japanese Maple has delicate burgundy-red, deeply divided leaves with serrated edges. Low branched, slightly pendulous. Spreading tree.
From $140.00
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Last Online Update 4/15/2011
Burgundy Lace Red Japanese Maple
This Japanese Maple has delicate burgundy-red, deeply divided leaves with serrated edges. Low branched, slightly pendulous. Spreading tree.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 4/18/2013
Butterfly Japanese Maple
Small tree with soft blue-green leaves with creamy white margins tinged with pink. palmate leaves appear to undulate with wavy growth. Thus, the "Butterfly" effect. Needs some protection from hot sun.
From $180.00
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Last Online Update 4/15/2011
Butterfly Japanese Maple
Small tree with soft blue-green leaves with creamy white margins tinged with pink. palmate leaves appear to undulate with wavy growth. Thus, the "Butterfly" effect. Needs some protection from hot sun.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 9/29/2011
Butterfly Japanese Maple
Small tree with soft blue-green leaves with creamy white margins tinged with pink. palmate leaves appear to undulate with wavy growth. Thus, the "Butterfly" effect. Needs some protection from hot sun.
From $360.00
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Last Online Update 3/22/2023
Butterfly Japanese Maple
Small tree with soft blue-green leaves with creamy white margins tinged with pink. Palmate leaves appear to undulate with wavy growth. Thus, the "Butterfly" effect. Needs some protection from hot sun.
From $400.00
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Last Online Update 6/8/2022
Chishio Japanese Maple
'Chishio' means 'blood' and is derived from the valued brilliant orange-red spring foliage of this cultivar. In summer, the leaves turn green but in the fall, plants trun orange-red again. Twiggy, dense habit.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 3/27/2011
Coonara Pygmy Japanese Maple
A dense, round deciduous shrub. This dwarf form has bright green leaves which are small and crowded into place. Fall color includes yellow-orange and pink to deep pink tones in late fall.
From $129.00
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Last Online Update 6/2/2022
Crimson Carole Japanese Maple
A vigorous, bushy deciduous upright tree. Large orange-red leaves have serrated edges which provide a "feathery" appearance. Fall color is a glorious deep red. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil. 10
From $34.98
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Last Online Update 5/29/2012
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Low-branching, dwarf tree with delicate weeping effect. Holds beautiful crimson color throughout summer before dropping in fall. Well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or on patios and entryways.
From $260.00
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Last Online Update 3/26/2022
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Low-branching, dwarf tree with delicate weeping effect. Holds beautiful crimson color throughout summer before dropping in fall. Well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or on patios and entryways.
From $240.00
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Last Online Update 3/24/2021
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Low-branching, dwarf tree with delicate weeping effect. Holds beautiful crimson color throughout summer before dropping in fall. Well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or on patios and entryways.
From $240.00
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Last Online Update 3/24/2021
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Low-branching, dwarf tree with delicate weeping effect. Holds beautiful crimson color throughout summer before dropping in fall. Well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or on patios and entryways.
From $360.00
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Last Online Update 4/11/2018
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Low-branching, dwarf tree with delicate weeping effect. Holds beautiful crimson color throughout summer before dropping in fall. Well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or on patios and entryways.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 2/14/2022
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Low-branching, dwarf tree with delicate weeping effect. Holds beautiful crimson color throughout summer before dropping in fall. Well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or on patios and entryways.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 3/11/2020
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Low-branching, dwarf tree with delicate weeping effect. Holds beautiful crimson color throughout summer before dropping in fall. Well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or on patios and entryways.
From $469.00
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Last Online Update 3/29/2021
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Low-branching, dwarf tree with delicate weeping effect. Holds beautiful crimson color throughout summer before dropping in fall. Well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or on patios and entryways.
From $349.00
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Last Online Update 3/26/2021
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Low-branching, dwarf tree with delicate weeping effect. Holds beautiful crimson color throughout summer before dropping in fall. Well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or on patios and entryways.
From $1,080.00
Last Online Update 10/28/2024
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Low-branching, dwarf tree with delicate weeping effect. Holds beautiful crimson color throughout summer before dropping in fall. Well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or on patios and entryways.
From $149.00
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Last Online Update 4/24/2023
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Low-branching, dwarf tree with delicate weeping effect. Holds beautiful crimson color throughout summer before dropping in fall. Well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or on patios and entryways.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 6/8/2022
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Low-branching, dwarf tree with delicate weeping effect. Holds beautiful crimson color throughout summer before dropping in fall. Well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or on patios and entryways.
From $220.00
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Last Online Update 6/8/2022
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Low-branching, dwarf tree with delicate weeping effect. Holds beautiful crimson color throughout summer before dropping in fall. Well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or on patios and entryways.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 2/1/2022
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Low-branching, dwarf tree with delicate weeping effect. Holds beautiful crimson color throughout summer before dropping in fall. Well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or on patios and entryways.
From $149.00
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Last Online Update 3/30/2022
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Low-branching, dwarf tree with delicate weeping effect. Holds beautiful crimson color throughout summer before dropping in fall. Well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or on patios and entryways.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 4/13/2023
Weeping Green Laceleaf Japanese Maple
Beautiful very cut, lacey foliage. A low-growing bush form, often wider than tall at maturity. Good as a specimen. Stake for desired height. Can reach 6ft+ tall, 8-10 ft wide at maturity.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 12/2/2021
Baldsmith Weeping Japanese Maple
Multi-coloured leaves emerge light, bright orange-red, then become more green in Summer. Hints of pink & bright yellow/orange fall color. Has a very distinctive look. Train to desired height & width.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Contorta Japanese Maple
Contorta has a unique weeping and twisting shape. This tree has bright green laceleaf leaves that turn yellow-orange in the fall.
From $59.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Red Crimson Princess Laceleaf Maple
Cut leaf foliage emerges red, turning bronze in summer.
Narrowly lobed leaves are often dissected creating a lacy appearance. Vigorous weeping habit.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 4/3/2013
Red Crimson Queen Laceleaf Maple
Deep-red, laceleaf selection. Retains its color well into the summer until Fall colour. A dense, broad, mounding plant. Stake to desired height. Use in the garden, by pond or in a pot!
From $220.00
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Last Online Update 4/15/2011
Red Crimson Queen Laceleaf Maple
Deep-red, laceleaf selection. Retains its color well into the summer until Fall colour. A dense, broad, mounding plant. Stake to desired height. Use in the garden, by pond or in a pot!
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 3/5/2020
Red Crimson Queen Laceleaf Maple
Deep-red, laceleaf selection. Retains its color well into the summer until Fall colour. A dense, broad, mounding plant. Stake to desired height. Use in the garden, by pond or in a pot!
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Red Crimson Queen Laceleaf Maple
Deep-red, laceleaf selection. Retains its color well into the summer until Fall colour. A dense, broad, mounding plant. Stake to desired height. Use in the garden, by pond or in a pot!
From $59.98
Last Online Update 5/25/2024
Red Crimson Queen Laceleaf Maple
Deep-red, laceleaf selection. Retains its color well into the summer until Fall colour. A dense, broad, mounding plant. Stake to desired height. Use in the garden, by pond or in a pot!
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 3/3/2011
Red Crimson Queen Laceleaf Maple
Deep-red, laceleaf selection. Retains its color well into the summer until Fall colour. A dense, broad, mounding plant. Stake to desired height. Use in the garden, by pond or in a pot!
From $26.98
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Last Online Update 4/17/2013
Red Crimson Queen Laceleaf Maple
Deep-red, laceleaf selection. Retains its color well into the summer until Fall colour. A dense, broad, mounding plant. Stake to desired height. Use in the garden, by pond or in a pot!
From $169.00
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Last Online Update 3/23/2012
Red Crimson Queen Laceleaf Maple
Deep-red, laceleaf selection. Retains its color well into the summer until Fall colour. A dense, broad, mounding plant. Stake to desired height. Use in the garden, by pond or in a pot!
From $89.00
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Last Online Update 5/2/2011
Standard Crimson Queen Laceleaf Maple
Deep-red, laceleaf selection. Retains its color well into the summer until Fall colour. A dense, broad, mounding plant. Stake to desired height. Use in the garden, by pond or in a pot!
From $149.00
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Last Online Update 2/7/2023
Ever Red Weeping Japanese Maple
Ever Red is distinguished by the fine silvery hairs on the newly opened leaves that give it a look like no other lace leaf. It holds its color well into the summer and the fall colour is a rich red.
From $69.98
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Last Online Update 10/11/2011
Garnet Japanese Maple
Garnet is as red as the gemstone with very good color holding through the summer. A very good tree for a rock garden or landscape. Beautiful when trained to cascade over a wall. Possible Mature Height 9ft.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 2/8/2022
Garnet Japanese Maple
Garnet is as red as the gemstone with very good color holding through the summer. A very good tree for a rock garden or landscape. Beautiful when trained to cascade over a wall. Possible Mature Height 9ft.
From $169.00
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Last Online Update 3/23/2012
Green Cascade Weeping Japanese Maple
A strongly weeping Japanese maple with gorgeous yellow, orange, and crimson fall colour. Allow it to cascade down a bank or stake to form a mound. Fairly fastgrowing.
From $34.98
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Last Online Update 4/17/2013
Green Cascade Weeping Japanese Maple
A strongly weeping Japanese maple with gorgeous yellow, orange, and crimson fall colour. Allow it to cascade down a bank or stake to form a mound. Fairly fastgrowing.
From $26.98
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Last Online Update 4/17/2013
Green Filigree Lace Japanese Maple
Weeping cut-leaf Japanese Maple. Dwarf mounding tree. Very finely dissected red leaves turn a brilliant crimson red in the Fall.
From $129.98
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Last Online Update 6/8/2022
Inaba Shidare Japanese Maple
Vigorous laceleaf weeping maple, purple-red leaf color held well through the summer. Bright red in fall. Bare branches have character. Possible mature height 6-8ft if trained.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Inaba shidare Japanese Maple
Vigorous laceleaf weeping maple, purple-red leaf color held well through the summer. Bright red in fall. Bare branches have character. Possible mature height 6-8ft if trained.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 12/6/2021
Inaba shidare Japanese Maple
Vigorous laceleaf weeping maple, purple-red leaf color held well through the summer. Bright red in fall. Bare branches have character. Possible mature height 6-8ft if trained.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 2/16/2023
Inaba shidare Japanese Maple
Vigorous laceleaf weeping maple, purple-red leaf color held well through the summer. Bright red in fall. Bare branches have character. Possible mature height 6-8ft if trained.
From $380.00
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Last Online Update 11/29/2021
Inaba shidare Japanese Maple
Vigorous laceleaf weeping maple, purple-red leaf color held well through the summer. Bright red in fall. Bare branches have character. Possible mature height 6-8ft if trained.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 6/23/2019
Inaba shidare Japanese Maple
Vigorous laceleaf weeping maple, purple-red leaf color held well through the summer. Bright red in fall. Bare branches have character. Possible mature height 6-8ft if trained.
From $580.00
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Last Online Update 4/8/2021
Inaba shidare Japanese Maple
Vigorous laceleaf weeping maple, purple-red leaf color held well through the summer. Bright red in fall. Bare branches have character. Possible mature height 6-8ft if trained.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/23/2019
Inaba shidare Japanese Maple
Vigorous laceleaf weeping maple, purple-red leaf color held well through the summer. Bright red in fall. Bare branches have character. Possible mature height 6-8ft if trained.
From $180.00
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Last Online Update 4/15/2021
Red Weeping Japanese Maple
Vigorous laceleaf weeping maple, purple-red leaf color held well through the summer. Bright red in fall. Bare branches have character. Possible mature height 6-8ft if trained.
From $129.00
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Last Online Update 4/29/2013
Red Weeping Japanese Maple
Vigorous laceleaf weeping maple, purple-red leaf color held well through the summer. Bright red in fall. Bare branches have character. Possible mature height 6-8ft if trained.
From $169.00
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Last Online Update 3/23/2012
Kurui Jishi Weeping Japanese Maple
This cultivar is notable for its very unusual leaf form. The medium-to-deep green leaves have very narrow lobes, the edges of which curl inward toward the top center, almost rolling into a cylinder. The leaves are reminiscent of birds' feet, though the cultivar name refers to a 'crazy lion' of Japanese literature. The tree is a semi-dwarf to 6 or 8', upright but spreading, with dense foliage and a nice yellow fall color.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/15/2021
Orangeola Weeping Japanese Maple
The lacy leaves emerge in spring as orange. In summer, they turn green with an overlay of golden orange. In fall, they turn a bright orange-red. Train - stake to desired height.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 6/8/2022
Orangeola Weeping Japanese Maple
The lacy leaves emerge in spring as orange. In summer, they turn green with an overlay of golden orange. In fall, they turn a bright orange-red. Train - stake to desired height.
From $26.98
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Last Online Update 4/17/2013
Orangeola Weeping Japanese Maple
The lacy leaves emerge in spring as orange. In summer, they turn green with an overlay of golden orange. In fall, they turn a bright orange-red. Train - stake to desired height.
From $129.98
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Last Online Update 4/16/2012
Orangeola Weeping Japanese Maple
The lacy leaves emerge in spring as orange. In summer, they turn green with an overlay of golden orange. In fall, they turn a bright orange-red. Train - stake to desired height.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/1/2022
Orangeola Weeping Japanese Maple
The lacy leaves emerge in spring as orange. In summer, they turn green with an overlay of golden orange. In fall, they turn a bright orange-red. Train - stake to desired height.
From $169.00
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Last Online Update 4/13/2023
Orangeola Weeping Japanese Maple
The lacy leaves emerge in spring as orange. In summer, they turn green with an overlay of golden orange. In fall, they turn a bright orange-red. Train - stake to desired height.
From $280.00
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Last Online Update 3/22/2023
Red Weeping Japanese Maple
Distinguished by the fine silvery hairs on the newly opened leaves that give it a look like no other lace leaf. It holds its color well into the summer and the fall colour is a rich red.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 10/9/2013
Red Laceleaf Maple
Deep-red, laceleaf selection. Retains its color well into the summer until Fall colour. A dense, broad, mounding plant. Stake to desired height. Use in the garden, by pond or in a pot!
From $129.98
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Last Online Update 5/24/2013
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This New Zealand specimen holds its scarlet-red foliage in sun or shade better than other Japanese Maples, keeping it until fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be shorter than other red varieties.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 2/3/2022
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This cultivar from New Zealand, holds it red foliage in sun or shade better than other cultivars. Scarlet red foliage in Fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be dwarfer than other red vairieties.
From $160.00
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Last Online Update 5/25/2011
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This cultivar from New Zealand, holds it red foliage in sun or shade better than other cultivars. Scarlet red foliage in Fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be dwarfer than other red vairieties.
From $560.00
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Last Online Update 4/6/2012
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This cultivar from New Zealand, holds it red foliage in sun or shade better than other cultivars. Scarlet red foliage in Fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be dwarfer than other red vairieties.
From $34.98
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Last Online Update 3/27/2011
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This New Zealand specimen holds its scarlet-red foliage in sun or shade better than other Japanese Maples, keeping it until fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be shorter than other red varieties.
From $240.00
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Last Online Update 6/3/2020
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This New Zealand specimen holds its scarlet-red foliage in sun or shade better than other Japanese Maples, keeping it until fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be shorter than other red varieties.
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Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This New Zealand specimen holds its scarlet-red foliage in sun or shade better than other Japanese Maples, keeping it until fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be shorter than other red varieties.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 6/8/2022
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This cultivar from New Zealand, holds it red foliage in sun or shade better than other cultivars. Scarlet red foliage in Fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be dwarfer than other red vairieties.
From $380.00
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Last Online Update 4/9/2018
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This New Zealand specimen holds its scarlet-red foliage in sun or shade better than other Japanese Maples, keeping it until fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be shorter than other red varieties.
From $220.00
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Last Online Update 5/20/2020
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This cultivar from New Zealand, holds it red foliage in sun or shade better than other cultivars. Scarlet red foliage in Fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be dwarfer than other red vairieties.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 2/25/2011
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This cultivar from New Zealand, holds it red foliage in sun or shade better than other cultivars. Scarlet red foliage in Fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be dwarfer than other red vairieties.
From $360.00
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Last Online Update 4/11/2018
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This New Zealand specimen holds its scarlet-red foliage in sun or shade better than other Japanese Maples, keeping it until fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be shorter than other red varieties.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/14/2022
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This cultivar from New Zealand, holds it red foliage in sun or shade better than other cultivars. Scarlet red foliage in Fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be dwarfer than other red vairieties.
From $129.98
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Last Online Update 4/16/2012
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This New Zealand specimen holds its scarlet-red foliage in sun or shade better than other Japanese Maples, keeping it until fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be shorter than other red varieties.
From $560.00
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Last Online Update 2/15/2022
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
Vigorous grower with deep purple-red leaves. Keeps colour well all through the growing season. This garden specimen is moundshaped. Keep as shrub or train a tree. Possible mature height 10-12ft.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 3/3/2011
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This cultivar from New Zealand, holds it red foliage in sun or shade better than other cultivars. Scarlet red foliage in Fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be dwarfer than other red vairieties.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 3/27/2011
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This New Zealand specimen holds its scarlet-red foliage in sun or shade better than other Japanese Maples, keeping it until fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be shorter than other red varieties.
From $240.00
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Last Online Update 6/3/2020
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This New Zealand specimen holds its scarlet-red foliage in sun or shade better than other Japanese Maples, keeping it until fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be shorter than other red varieties.
From $180.00
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Last Online Update 6/29/2022
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This New Zealand specimen holds its scarlet-red foliage in sun or shade better than other Japanese Maples, keeping it until fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be shorter than other red varieties.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 3/30/2022
Red Dragon Weeping Japanese Maple
This New Zealand specimen holds its scarlet-red foliage in sun or shade better than other Japanese Maples, keeping it until fall. It is generally slower growing and tends to be shorter than other red varieties.
From $149.00
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Last Online Update 2/7/2023
Red Cutleaf Japanese Maple
A red weeping Japinese Maple with great mounding form. Color fast in hot weather. Fall color is bright orange to red.
From $169.00
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Last Online Update 3/23/2012
Tamukeyama Red Cutleaf Japanese Maple
A red weeping Japinese Maple with great mounding form. Color fast in hot weather. Fall color is bright orange to red.
From $49.98
Last Online Update 4/23/2024
Red Cutleaf Japanese Maple
A red weeping Japinese Maple with great mounding form. Color fast in hot weather. Fall color is bright orange to red.
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Tamukeyama Red Cutleaf Japanese Maple
A red weeping Japanese Maple with great mounding form. Color fast in hot weather. Fall color is bright orange to red.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/1/2022
Viridis Japanese Maple
Bright green finely dissected leaves that turn a striking orange in the fall. Very tolerant of shade. Excellent branching architecture with attractive green bark winter interest. Possible mature height 10-12ft.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 5/14/2020
Viridis Japanese Maple
Bright green finely dissected leaves that turn a striking orange in the fall. Very tolerant of shade. Excellent branching architecture with attractive green bark winter interest. Possible mature height 10-12ft.
From $169.00
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Last Online Update 3/23/2012
Viridis Japanese Maple
Bright green finely dissected leaves that turn a striking orange in the fall. Very tolerant of shade. Excellent branching architecture with attractive green bark winter interest. Possible mature height 10-12ft.
From $689.00
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Last Online Update 5/14/2020
Viridis Japanese Maple
Bright green finely dissected leaves that turn a striking orange in the fall. Very tolerant of shade. Excellent branching architecture with attractive green bark winter interest. Possible mature height 10-12ft.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 1/19/2022
Viridis Japanese Maple
Bright green finely dissected leaves that turn a striking orange in the fall. Very tolerant of shade. Excellent branching architecture with attractive green bark winter interest. Possible mature height 10-12ft.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 1/19/2022
Viridis Japanese Maple
Bright green finely dissected leaves that turn a striking orange in the fall. Very tolerant of shade. Excellent branching architecture with attractive green bark winter interest. Possible mature height 10-12ft.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 1/19/2022
Viridis Japanese Maple
Bright green finely dissected leaves that turn a striking orange in the fall. Very tolerant of shade. Excellent branching architecture with attractive green bark winter interest. Possible mature height 10-12ft.
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Viridis Japanese Maple
Bright green finely dissected leaves that turn a striking orange in the fall. Very tolerant of shade. Excellent branching architecture with attractive green bark winter interest. Possible mature height 10-12ft.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 2/14/2022
Viridis Japanese Maple
Bright green finely dissected leaves that turn a striking orange in the fall. Very tolerant of shade. Excellent branching architecture with attractive green bark winter interest. Possible mature height 10-12ft.
From $280.00
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Last Online Update 3/22/2023
Waterfall Weeping Green Japanese Maple
Prostrate or medium shrub with green foliage turning red in the fall. Excellent for rockeries or as a low specimen. Stake for desired height. Possible mature size height 8 ft tall and 10 ft wide.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/1/2022
Waterfall Weeping Green Japanese Maple
Prostrate or medium shrub with green foliage turning red in the fall. Excellent for rockeries or as a low specimen. Stake for desired height. Possible mature size height 8 ft tall and 10 ft wide.
From $149.00
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Last Online Update 5/25/2022
Waterfall Weeping Green Japanese Maple
Prostrate or medium shrub with green foliage turning red in the fall. Excellent for rockeries or as a low specimen. Stake for desired height. Possible mature size height 8 ft tall and 10 ft wide.
From $26.98
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Last Online Update 4/17/2013
Waterfall Weeping Green Japanese Maple
Prostrate or medium shrub with green foliage turning red in the fall. Excellent for rockeries or as a low specimen. Stake for desired height. Possible mature size height 8 ft tall and 10 ft wide.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/8/2012
Waterfall Weeping Green Japanese Maple
Prostrate or medium shrub with green foliage turning red in the fall. Excellent for rockeries or as a low specimen. Stake for desired height. Possible mature size height 8 ft tall and 10 ft wide.
From $69.98
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Last Online Update 3/3/2011
Waterfall Weeping Green Japanese Maple
Prostrate or medium shrub with green foliage turning red in the fall. Excellent for rockeries or as a low specimen. Stake for desired height. Possible mature size height 8 ft tall and 10 ft wide.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 9/29/2011
Dr. Brown Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Dr. Brown' is a lovely dwarf cultivar that shows stunning, red fall colour. Delicate, dissected leaf. Zone 5.
Reg: $49.98 Sale: $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Emperor I Japanese Maple
An improved Bloodgood that has more vigorous growth and improved colour fastness. It is a little later to leaf out which helps in areas that get late frost. Nice fiery crimson in Fall.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 2/22/2023
Emperor I Japanese Maple
An improved Bloodgood that has more vigorous growth and improved colour fastness. It is a little later to leaf out which helps in areas that get late frost. Nice fiery crimson in Fall.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 4/28/2017
English Town Japanese Maple
A welcomed dwarf red maple, it has smaller foliage than a typical red Japanese maple. The fall color is a bright scarlet red. 'Englishtown' was found by Stephen Kristoff in Englishtown, NJ as chance dwarf mutation called a witches broom.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 7/2/2021
English Town Japanese Maple
A welcomed dwarf red maple, it has smaller foliage than a typical red Japanese maple. The fall color is a bright scarlet red. 'Englishtown' was found by Stephen Kristoff in Englishtown, NJ as chance dwarf mutation called a witches broom.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 4/15/2023
Japanese maple 'Enkan'
'Enkan' is a rounded, deciduous shrub or small tree with with palmate, bronze to maroon leaves divided into five linear to narrowly lance-shaped, toothed lobes, the entire leaf turning bright red in autumn. Inconspicuous, green flowers in spring are followed by winged, red-flushed, green seed pods.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 4/6/2020
Festival Japanese Maple
This vigorous, upright maple has green leaves which turn to vibrant shades of red and yellow in fall.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 6/1/2020
Fireglow Japanese Maple
This slow growing maple has intense red foliage with an upright growth habit. The red color holds well in the heat of summer but some shade is best.
From $320.00
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Last Online Update 6/8/2022
Fireglow Japanese Maple
This slow growing maple has intense red foliage with an upright growth habit. The red color holds well in the heat of summer but some shade is best.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 6/23/2020
Fireglow Japanese Maple
This slow growing maple has intense red foliage with an upright growth habit. The red color holds well in the heat of summer but some shade is best.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 2/14/2022
Fireglow Japanese Maple
This slow growing maple has intense red foliage with an upright growth habit. The red color holds well in the heat of summer but some shade is best.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/19/2020
Fireglow Japanese Maple
This slow growing maple has intense red foliage with an upright growth habit. The red color holds well in the heat of summer but some shade is best.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 6/8/2022
Fireglow Japanese Maple
Intense red foliage on a slow growing tree with upright growth habit. Holds its red color well but light afternoon shade is preferred for best growth.
From $320.00
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Last Online Update 6/11/2021
Fireglow Japanese Maple
This slow growing maple has intense red foliage with an upright growth habit. The red color holds well in the heat of summer but some shade is best.
From $69.98
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Last Online Update 2/14/2023
Fireglow Japanese Maple
Intense red foliage on a slow growing tree with upright growth habit. Holds its red color well but light afternoon shade is preferred for best growth.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 9/29/2021
Fireglow Japanese Maple
This slow growing maple has intense red foliage with an upright growth habit. The red color holds well in the heat of summer but some shade is best.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 2/22/2023
Fireglow Japanese Maple
This slow growing maple has intense red foliage with an upright growth habit. The red color holds well in the heat of summer but some shade is best.
From $280.00
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Last Online Update 6/8/2022
Fireglow Japanese Maple
Intense red foliage on a slow growing tree with upright growth habit. Holds its red color well but light afternoon shade is preferred for best growth.
From $69.98
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Last Online Update 2/19/2021
Fireglow Japanese Maple
This slow growing maple has intense red foliage with an upright growth habit. The red color holds well in the heat of summer but some shade is best.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 3/30/2022
Fireglow Japanese Maple B&B
Intense red foliage on a slow growing tree with upright growth habit. Holds its red color well but light afternoon shade is preferred for best growth.
From $380.00
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Last Online Update 4/5/2023
Fireglow Japanese Maple
This slow growing maple has intense red foliage with an upright growth habit. The red color holds well in the heat of summer but some shade is best.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 4/13/2023
Green Elf Japanese Maple
The dark green foliage of this maple turns bright gold and yellow in fall.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 6/1/2020
Green Filigree Japanese Maple
This compact maple has a pendulous habit, very lacy leaves and interesting color changes during the growing season. From light green in spring, then darker green in summer and gold in fall.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/2/2022
Green Tea Japanese Maple
Well-named, the leaves of this Japanese Maple begin as a pinkish red, before turning the shade of green tea in summer.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 6/1/2020
Gwen's Rose Delight Jap. Maple
The foliage is a blend of green, pink and white. You might not know it's a Japanese maple at all, although the new growth does come out crimson-pink and the fall color is a fiery-red. Good specimen.
From $169.00
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Last Online Update 3/23/2012
Harvest Orange Japanese Maple
Glossy-leafed 5-lobed cultivar boasting green leaves in summer and magnificent orange in fall. A variety found in Mt. Lehman, BC. Grows to 15 feet.
From $289.00
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Last Online Update 4/24/2023
Harvest Orange Japanese Maple
Glossy-leafed 5-lobed cultivar boasting green leaves in summer and magnificent orange in fall. A variety found in Mt. Lehman, BC. Grows to 15 feet.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Harvest Red Japanese Maple
A broad leaved variety of Japanese Maple.Upright, broad growth with intense red fall colour.Large, green leaves create an outstanding screened effect.
From $149.00
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Last Online Update 4/24/2023
Harvest Red Japanese Maple
A broad leaved variety of Japanese Maple.Upright, broad growth with intense red fall colour.Large, green leaves create an outstanding screened effect.
From $180.00
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Last Online Update 4/15/2016
Hefner's Red Japanese Maple
An upright deciduous tree with a sturdy vase-shape form. Deep blood-red foliage holds well throughout the season. Fall color is vivid red. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil.
From $34.98
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Last Online Update 5/29/2012
Hime shojo Japanese Maple
A small deciduous tree with a broad twiggy form. Spring leaves are an interesting reddish brown. They turn more green in summer, especially if planted in shade. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 3/11/2020
Kagiri Nishiki Japanese Maple
A unique and interesting specimen for its pink and white irregular border on the light green leaves - pink tones become more pronounced in fall. A fine small tree for courtyards and asian-themed gardens.
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 1/31/2012
Kagiri Nishiki Japanese Maple
A unique and interesting specimen for its pink and white irregular border on the light green leaves - pink tones become more pronounced in fall. A fine small tree for courtyards and asian-themed gardens.
From $59.98
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Last Online Update 6/26/2013
Kasigayama Japanese Maple
Deeply cut dark red leaves with prominent darker green veins cover this tree in the spring. The unique red color is shaded into the undertone of green on the edges of the lobes.
From $129.98
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Last Online Update 4/16/2012
Katsura Japanese Maple
Striking small tree grown for its ever-changing foliage, starting yellow then to chartreuse and finally brilliant orange in the fall; most attractive when grown in a multi-stemmed form; a great accent tree.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 2/8/2022
Katsura Japanese Maple
Yellow orange spring growth sets this dwarf form apart. Green leaves lead to orange & yellow in fall. Sm. garden or bonsai. Red new stems. More compact with pruning.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 6/4/2014
Ki hachijo Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Ki hachijo' - A sturdy green leaf type of Japanese Maple. Tree grows in a shrub type form being as wide as tall, maturing at 15'. Bark is gray-blue with white strips. Fall color is a nice gold with a red hues.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/1/2022
Ki hachijo Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Ki hachijo' - A sturdy green leaf type of Japanese Maple. Tree grows in a shrub type form being as wide as tall, maturing at 15'. Bark is gray-blue with white strips. Fall color is a nice gold with a red hues.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Kiyohime Japanese Maple
Pale green spring growth is rimmed red. This dwarf is an ideal container plant. Great for bonsai. Low, wide branches with a fine form.
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Komachi hime Japanese Maple
This dense cultivar is wider than it is tall, with small spring leaves of yellow-green edged with red. Foliage turns dark green in summer, before bursting into yellows and oranges in fall.
From $269.00
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Last Online Update 4/20/2023
Koto no ito Japanese Maple
A linear leaf form with crimson tones in spring turning green in summer. A dwarf form suited for Bonsai and containers. Seldom seen in commerce.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/1/2022
Koto No Ito Japanese Maple
A linear leaf form with crimson tones in spring turning green in summer. A dwarf form suited for Bonsai and containers. Seldom seen in commerce.
From $29.98
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Last Online Update 6/4/2014
Koto No Ito Japanese Maple
A linear leaf form with crimson tones in spring turning green in summer. A dwarf form suited for Bonsai and containers. Seldom seen in commerce.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 5/25/2011
Koto No Ito Japanese Maple
A linear leaf form with crimson tones in spring turning green in summer. A dwarf form suited for Bonsai and containers. Seldom seen in commerce.
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Koto No Ito Japanese Maple
A linear leaf form with crimson tones in spring turning green in summer. A dwarf form suited for Bonsai and containers. Seldom seen in commerce.
From $129.98
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Last Online Update 4/16/2012
Koto no ito Japanese Maple
In the spring Koto no ito Japanese Maple has linear leaves in shades of crimson, changing to green in the summer. A dwarf form suited for Bonsai and containers. Prefers light shade. Zones 5-9.
From $260.00
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Last Online Update 4/6/2023
Koto no ito Japanese Maple
In the spring Koto no ito Japanese Maple has linear leaves in shades of crimson, changing to green in the summer. A dwarf form suited for Bonsai and containers. Prefers light shade. Zones 5-9.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 3/30/2022
Lima Gold Japanese Maple
A wonderful dwarf Japanese Maple with a dense form. Tiny seven-lobed leaves are yellow-green in spring and summer, then turn to straw yellow in autumn. Perfect for bonsai work.
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Lima Gold Japanese Maple
A wonderful dwarf Japanese Maple with a dense form. Tiny seven-lobed leaves are yellow-green in spring and summer, then turn to straw gold in autumn. Perfect for bonsai work.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 2/2/2022
Lima Gold Japanese Maple
A wonderful dwarf Japanese Maple with a dense form. Tiny seven-lobed leaves are yellow-green in spring and summer, then turn to straw yellow in autumn. Perfect for bonsai work.
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Manyo no sato Japanese Maple
This unique japanese maple has irregular-shaped leaves, which emerge as random lime green and purple variegation. In summer, the purple fades to green, and fall brings out shades of orange and purple.
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Manyo no sato Japanese Maple
This unique japanese maple has irregular-shaped leaves, which emerge as random lime green and purple variegation. In summer, the purple fades to green, and fall brings out shades of orange and purple.
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Matsumurae Japanese Maple
This tree variety bears heavily divided leaves in many different shades.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 6/1/2020
Matsumurae Japanese Maple
This tree variety bears heavily divided leaves in many different shades.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 3/5/2020
Mikawa yatsubusa Japanese Maple
An outstanding upright dwarf variety, this elegant small ornamental is ideal for the smaller garden or container planting. Layered pale green leaves turn a most brilliant red in autumn!
From $229.00
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Last Online Update 4/13/2023
Mikawa yatsubusa Japanese Maple
An outstanding upright dwarf variety, this elegant small ornamental is ideal for the smaller garden or container planting. Layered pale green leaves turn a most brilliant red in autumn!
From $349.00
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Last Online Update 3/8/2023
Mikawa yatsubusa Japanese Maple
An outstanding upright dwarf variety, this elegant small ornamental is ideal for the smaller garden or container planting. Layered pale green leaves turn a most brilliant red in autumn!
From $389.00
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Last Online Update 3/8/2023
Mikawa yatsubusa Japanese Maple
An outstanding upright dwarf variety, this elegant small ornamental is ideal for the smaller garden or container planting. Layered pale green leaves turn a most brilliant red in autumn!
From $349.00
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Last Online Update 4/20/2023
Mimaye Japanese Maple
This compact branching tree bears small lime-green leaves which turn to brilliant yellow shades in fall.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 3/5/2020
Mini Maple
Young Japanese Maple with a broad, upright growth habit. Excellent for containers, miniature gardens or bonsai. Will grow 3-6 inches per year.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 4/9/2018
Monroe Japanese Maple
The Monroe Japanese Maple has stunning lacey green leaves. The leaves turn bronze when exposed to a lot of sun and turn yellow in the fall.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/2/2022
Moonfire Japanese Maple
Widely palm shaped purple leaves on a small upright tree. Holds its colour well in summer Excellent for small spaces. May need protection from drying winds.
From $169.00
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Last Online Update 3/23/2012
Moonfire Japanese Maple
Widely palm shaped purple leaves on a small upright tree. Holds its colour well in summer Excellent for small spaces. May need protection from drying winds.
From $59.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Murasake Kiohime Japanese Maple
Murasaki kiyohime is a vigorous dwarf whose small light green leaves emerge bright green with red margins in the spring. Leaves turn glossy and dark green with purple-red margins by summer. This is a great dwarf palmatum! Upright habit and bushy. Hardy to 6 feet by 5 feet in 8 years. Sun / part shade
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 6/2/2020
Nomura nishiki Japanese Maple
This tree has red foliage which matures through bronze-green in summer to a bright orange and red fall.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 3/5/2020
Ojishi Japanese Maple
Dramatic, short branches carry densely packed leaves which begin a bright green and turn into a flame-like variety of red-yellow-orange shades in fall.
From $169.98
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Last Online Update 3/5/2020
Ojishi Japanese Maple
Dramatic, short branches carry densely packed leaves which begin a bright green and turn into a flame-like variety of red-yellow-orange shades in fall.
From $289.00
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Last Online Update 3/29/2023
Omure yama Japanese Maple
This upright, willowy tree has bright green foliage which turns red and gold in fall.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 3/5/2020
Orange Dream Japanese Maple
Narrowly upright growth habit. Striking orange-yellow foliage over bright green bark. Yellow Fall foliage. Will enhance any garden and also look wonderful on a patio. Generally harder to find.
From $49.98
Last Online Update 4/23/2024
Orange Dream Japanese Maple
Narrowly upright growth habit. Striking orange-yellow foliage over bright green bark. Yellow Fall foliage. Will enhance any garden and also look wonderful on a patio. Generally harder to find.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 2/8/2022
Orange Dream Japanese Maple
Narrowly upright growth habit. Striking orange-yellow foliage over bright green bark. Yellow Fall foliage. Will enhance any garden and also look wonderful on a patio. Generally harder to find.
From $129.98
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Last Online Update 4/16/2012
Orange Flame Japanese Maple
Strong upright grower with a seven-lobe dissectum leaf form. Newer growth is known to be orange and new leaves emerge orange and turn green in summer, with orange petioles. Fall colour is orange shades.
From $380.00
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Last Online Update 2/3/2022
Oregon Fern Japanese Maple
A small deciduous tree with a broad upright canopy. Deeply dissected fern-like green leaves give the tree a delicate appearance. Fall color is deep red and purple. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil
From $69.98
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Last Online Update 5/29/2012
Japanese Maple Oregon Sunset
Compact and bushy this variety of maple is named for it stunning fall colors, going from burgundy to a mix of oranges and reds. Ideal for containers and small garden because of its dwarf nature.
From $69.98
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Last Online Update 4/1/2021
Orion Japanese Maple
This rounded dwarf tree has tiny, deeply cut, reddish brown leaves.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Orion Japanese Maple
This rounded dwarf tree has tiny, deeply cut, reddish brown leaves.
From $129.00
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Last Online Update 6/2/2022
Orion Japanese Maple
This rounded dwarf tree has tiny, deeply cut, reddish brown leaves.
From $129.00
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Last Online Update 6/1/2022
Osakasuki Green Japanese Maple
Robust, very old cultivar, noted for it's green leaves turning an unmatched, intense crimson in Fall. Colour more intense in Sun. It grows rapidly in youth, then slows to mature gracefully.
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Osakasuki Green Japanese Maple
Robust, very old cultivar, noted for it's green leaves turning an unmatched, intense crimson in Fall. Colour more intense in Sun. It grows rapidly in youth, then slows to mature gracefully.
From $280.00
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Last Online Update 4/7/2020
Osakasuki Green Japanese Maple
Robust, very old cultivar, noted for it's green leaves turning an unmatched, intense crimson in Fall. Colour more intense in Sun. It grows rapidly in youth, then slows to mature gracefully.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/1/2022
Osakasuki Green Japanese Maple
Robust, very old cultivar, noted for it's green leaves turning an unmatched, intense crimson in Fall. Colour more intense in Sun. It grows rapidly in youth, then slows to mature gracefully.
From $160.00
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Last Online Update 2/14/2022
Osakasuki Green Japanese Maple
Robust, very old cultivar, noted for it's green leaves turning an unmatched, intense crimson in Fall. Colour more intense in Sun. It grows rapidly in youth, then slows to mature gracefully.
From $169.98
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Last Online Update 3/3/2011
Osakasuki Green Japanese Maple
Robust, very old cultivar, noted for it's green leaves turning an unmatched, intense crimson in Fall. Colour more intense in Sun. It grows rapidly in youth, then slows to mature gracefully.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Oshio beni Japanese Maple
This medium-sized upright tree has bright red, broad, seven-lobed leaves that turn bright scarlet in the Fall. An outstanding shape! Fine form and colour!
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Otome zakura Japanese Maple
Spring foliage emerges a brilliant flame-red, aging to maroon in summer, and turning to green with pink shading by fall.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 3/5/2020
Peaches and Cream Japanese Maple
Delightful small feature tree whose foliage progresses from creamy white through green, rose-tipped and variegated,
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 3/8/2012
Peaches and Cream Japanese Maple
Delightful small feature tree whose foliage progresses from creamy white through green, rose-tipped and variegated,
From $320.00
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Last Online Update 4/20/2023
Peve Dave Japanese Maple
This tree has glossy purple-red leaves which turn a strong orange-red in fall.
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Peve Starfish Japanese Maple
Unique, starfish-like leaves which emerge a bright red, ageing to burgundy in summer, and ending fall a brilliant crimson.
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Pixie Japanese Maple
A vigorous, very dense, vase-shaped deciduous tree. Spring leaves emerge bright pink-red, soon becoming a deep red which holds well through summer. Fall color is a fiery scarlet.
From $59.98
Last Online Update 4/23/2024
Pixie Japanese Maple
A vigorous, very dense, vase-shaped deciduous tree. Spring leaves emerge bright pink-red, soon becoming a deep red which holds well through summer. Fall color is a fiery scarlet.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/2/2022
Pixie Japanese Maple
A vigorous, very dense, vase-shaped deciduous tree. Spring leaves emerge bright pink-red, soon becoming a deep red which holds well through summer. Fall color is a fiery scarlet.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/2/2022
Pixie Japanese Maple
A vigorous, very dense, vase-shaped deciduous tree. Spring leaves emerge bright pink-red, soon becoming a deep red which holds well through summer. Fall color is a fiery scarlet.
From $34.98
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Last Online Update 4/2/2021
Purple Ghost Japanese Maple
Apty named this japanese maple boasts vivid burgundy leaves with a distinctive purple hue to them. Fiery red fall colour.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 9/18/2020
Purple Ghost Japanese Maple
Apty named this japanese maple boasts vivid burgundy leaves with a distinctive purple hue to them. Fiery red fall colour.
From $220.00
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Last Online Update 6/18/2021
Red Emperor Japanese Maple B&B
an upright, bushy deciduous tree. In spring leaves are dark crimson and hold their color well through the summer. Fall color is bright crimson
From $380.00
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Last Online Update 4/5/2023
Red Pygmy Japanese Maple
Broad habit with red-maroon narrow leaves. Slow growing cultivar from the linearilobum group. Excellent in rock gardens, pots, small spots.
From $59.98
Last Online Update 4/23/2024
Red Pygmy Japanese Maple
Broad habit with red-maroon narrow leaves. Slow growing cultivar from the linearilobum group. Excellent in rock gardens, pots, small spots.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 5/4/2020
Ryu sei Japanese Maple
Waterfall shape. Excellent sun and heat tolerance. Later to leaf out compared to other weeping trees. Would make a great addition near a water feature or any garden.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Ryusen Japanese Maple
Waterfall shape. Excellent sun and heat tolerance. Later to leaf out compared to other weeping trees. Would make a great addition near a water feature or any garden.
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Ryusen Japanese Maple
Waterfall shape. Excellent sun and heat tolerance. Later to leaf out compared to other weeping trees. Would make a great addition near a water feature or any garden.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 6/4/2014
Samurai Japanese Maple
Leaves emerge deep pink to bronze green with lighter vein. Showy foliage. Unique plant.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 6/1/2022
Samurai Japanese Maple
Leaves emerge deep pink to bronze green with lighter vein. Showy foliage. Unique plant.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Coral Bark Japanese Maple
This beautiful small tree has brilliant red-coral bark on its young branches with color that intensifies in the winter. Deeply cut, pale green leaves display attractive red margins and turn a vibrant, golden yellow in fall. Thrives in bright dappled shade in warmer regions, or in full sun in cooler regions. Deciduous.
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Coral Bark Japanese Maple
Beautiful yellow-green, tinged with red, leaves in spring, in fall, turning shades of gold. The bright, coral-red bark of young stems is the most outstanding feature of this tree especially in Winter.
From $320.00
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Last Online Update 4/11/2018
Coral Bark Japanese Maple
Beautiful yellow-green, tinged with red, leaves in spring, in fall, turning shades of gold. The bright, coral-red bark of young stems is the most outstanding feature of this tree especially in Winter.
From $129.00
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Last Online Update 11/25/2021
Coral Bark Japanese Maple
Beautiful yellow-green, tinged with red, leaves in spring, in fall, turning shades of gold. The bright, coral-red bark of young stems is the most outstanding feature of this tree especially in Winter.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 5/25/2011
Coral Bark Japanese Maple
Beautiful yellow-green, tinged with red, leaves in spring, in fall, turning shades of gold. The bright, coral-red bark of young stems is the most outstanding feature of this tree especially in Winter.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 5/25/2011
Coral Bark Japanese Maple
Beautiful yellow-green, tinged with red, leaves in spring, in fall, turning shades of gold. The bright, coral-red bark of young stems is the most outstanding feature of this tree especially in Winter.
From $260.00
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Last Online Update 5/16/2018
Coral Bark Japanese Maple
Beautiful yellow-green, tinged with red, leaves in spring, in fall, turning shades of gold. The bright, coral-red bark of young stems is the most outstanding feature of this tree especially in Winter.
From $369.00
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Last Online Update 5/16/2018
Coral Bark Japanese Maple
Beautiful yellow-green, tinged with red, leaves in spring, in fall, turning shades of gold. The bright, coral-red bark of young stems is the most outstanding feature of this tree especially in Winter.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 11/29/2021
Coral Bark Japanese Maple
Beautiful yellow-green, tinged with red, leaves in spring, in fall, turning shades of gold. The bright, coral-red bark of young stems is the most outstanding feature of this tree especially in Winter.
From $260.00
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Last Online Update 3/23/2012
Coral Bark Japanese Maple
Beautiful yellow-green, tinged with red, leaves in spring, in fall, turning shades of gold. The bright, coral-red bark of young stems is the most outstanding feature of this tree especially in Winter.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 2/22/2023
Coral Bark Japanese Maple
This beautiful small tree has brilliant red-coral bark on its young branches with color that intensifies in the winter. Deeply cut, pale green leaves display attractive red margins and turn a vibrant, golden yellow in fall. Thrives in bright dappled shade.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 3/30/2022
Coral Bark Japanese Maple
Beautiful yellow-green, tinged with red, leaves in spring, in fall, turning shades of gold. The bright, coral-red bark of young stems is the most outstanding feature of this tree especially in Winter.
From $680.00
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Last Online Update 3/17/2022
Coral Bark Japanese Maple B&B
Beautiful yellow-green, tinged with red, leaves in spring, in fall, turning shades of gold. The bright, coral-red bark of young stems is the most outstanding feature of this tree especially in Winter.
From $550.00
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Last Online Update 2/17/2022
Coral Bark Japanese Maple
Beautiful yellow-green, tinged with red, leaves in spring, in fall, turning shades of gold. The bright, coral-red bark of young stems is the most outstanding feature of this tree especially in Winter.
From $640.00
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Last Online Update 2/21/2023
Saoshika Japanese Maple
The Saoshika Japanese Maple has bright green star shaped leaves. New foliage is a bright yellow along with the fall colour. More of a shrub than an upright grower.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/1/2022
Saotome Japanese Maple
This small tree bears pale yellow-green leaves with a slight red edge.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 3/5/2020
Sawa chidori Japanese Maple
Medium-sized maple with delicate leaves. The foliage starts off in spring with pink with green leaves, turning whiter with green veins in the summer before finishing with an intense red in fall.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 3/5/2020
Fingerleaf Japanese Maple
An upright form that typically grows to 12-15’ tall. It is sometimes commonly called fingerleaf maple or strapleaf maple in reference to its distinctive, deeply cut leaves which have a soft, airy appearance.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/1/2022
Fingerleaf Japanese Maple
An upright form that typically grows to 12-15’ tall. It is sometimes commonly called fingerleaf maple or strapleaf maple in reference to its distinctive, deeply cut leaves which have a soft, airy appearance.
From $280.00
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Last Online Update 6/26/2013
Fingerleaf Japanese Maple
An upright form that typically grows to 12-15’ tall. It is sometimes commonly called fingerleaf maple or strapleaf maple in reference to its distinctive, deeply cut leaves which have a soft, airy appearance.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Seiryu Japanese Maple
Selected for its upright, vase-shaped form. Finely dissected rich green foliage. Great accent or focal point. Fall foliage turns an interesting purple-brown.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Seiryu Japanese Maple
Selected for its upright, vase-shaped form. Finely dissected rich green foliage. Great accent or focal point. Fall foliage turns an interesting purple-brown.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 2/8/2022
Seiryu Japanese Maple
Selected for its upright, vase-shaped form. Finely dissected rich green foliage. Great accent or focal point. Fall foliage turns an interesting purple-brown.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 2/3/2022
Seiryu Japanese Maple
Selected for its upright, vase-shaped form, Seiryu Japanese Maple has finely dissected, rich green foliage. Great as an accent or focal point. Fall foliage turns an lovely purple-brown.
From $460.00
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Last Online Update 4/5/2023
Seiryu Japanese Maple
Selected for its upright, vase-shaped form. Finely dissected rich green foliage. Great accent or focal point. Fall foliage turns an interesting purple-brown.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 2/14/2023
Seiryu Japanese Maple
Selected for its upright, vase-shaped form. Finely dissected rich green foliage. Great accent or focal point. Fall foliage turns an interesting purple-brown.
From $79.98
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Last Online Update 3/3/2011
Seiryu Japanese Maple
Selected for its upright, vase-shaped form. Finely dissected rich green foliage. Great accent or focal point. Fall foliage turns an interesting purple-brown.
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Seiryu Japanese Maple
Selected for its upright, vase-shaped form. Finely dissected rich green foliage. Great accent or focal point. Fall foliage turns an interesting purple-brown.
From $160.00
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Last Online Update 3/23/2012
Seiryu Japanese Maple
Selected for its upright, vase-shaped form. Finely dissected rich green foliage. Great accent or focal point. Fall foliage turns an interesting purple-brown.
From $169.00
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Last Online Update 2/21/2023
Seiryu Japanese Maple
Selected for its upright, vase-shaped form. Finely dissected rich green foliage. Great accent or focal point. Fall foliage turns an interesting purple-brown.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 2/1/2022
Seiryu Japanese Maple
Selected for its upright, vase-shaped form. Finely dissected rich green foliage. Great accent or focal point. Fall foliage turns an interesting purple-brown.
From $220.00
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Last Online Update 2/1/2022
Seiryu Japanese Maple 5ft Screen
Selected for its upright, vase-shaped form. Finely dissected rich green foliage. Great accent or focal point. Fall foliage turns an interesting purple-brown.
From $1,069.00
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Last Online Update 8/31/2023
Seiryu Japanese Maple
Selected for its upright, vase-shaped form. Finely dissected rich green foliage. Great accent or focal point. Fall foliage turns an interesting purple-brown.
From $380.00
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Last Online Update 2/3/2022
Sekka yatsubusa Japanese Maple
Semi-dwarf form with unusual, fasciated stems. Leaves are dense and turn a beautiful red in fall. Sekka Yatsubusa grows with a dense habit and maxes out between 6-8 feet.
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Shaina Japanese Maple
New tree selection displaying a dwarf, compact form. Bright red new foliage matures to deep maroon-red. Freely branching growth becomes dense with maturity. Deciduous. Slow growing.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/2/2022
Shaina Japanese Maple
New tree selection displaying a dwarf, compact form. Bright red new foliage matures to deep maroon-red. Freely branching growth becomes dense with maturity. Deciduous. Slow growing.
From $59.98
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Last Online Update 2/15/2023
Shaina Japanese Maple Shaina
New tree selection displaying a dwarf, compact form. Bright red new foliage matures to deep maroon-red. Freely branching growth becomes dense with maturity. Deciduous. Slow growing.
From $19.98
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Last Online Update 5/25/2011
Shaina Japanese Maple Shaina
New tree selection displaying a dwarf, compact form. Bright red new foliage matures to deep maroon-red. Freely branching growth becomes dense with maturity. Deciduous. Slow growing.
From $129.98
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Last Online Update 4/16/2012
Shaina Japanese Maple
New tree selection displaying a dwarf, compact form. Bright red new foliage matures to deep maroon-red. Freely branching growth becomes dense with maturity.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 4/13/2017
Shaina Japanese Maple
New tree selection displaying a dwarf, compact form. Bright red new foliage matures to deep maroon-red. Freely branching growth becomes dense with maturity. Deciduous. Slow growing.
From $59.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Sharp's Pygmy Japanese Maple
This dwarf low spreading tree is a great candidate for bonsai. This dense branching and narrow lobed green leaves turn a deep orange to scarlet in the Fall.
From $129.00
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Last Online Update 4/9/2018
Shin deshojo Japanese Maple
An upright deciduous tree with a broad canopy. Spring leaves are a brilliant red, followed by green-red in summer. Winter reveals reddish young shoots. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil.
From $34.98
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Last Online Update 5/29/2012
Shin deshojo Japanese Maple Tree
An upright deciduous tree with a broad canopy. Spring leaves are a brilliant red, followed by green-red in summer. Winter reveals reddish young shoots. Prefers sun/partial shade in well-drained soil.
From $469.00
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Last Online Update 4/2/2019
Shirazz Japanese Maple
Deeply lobed, variegated leaves of pinks, greens, and creamy white. New growth emerges with hues of striking crimson pink with white margins. Fall colours are tones of crimson red to scarlet.
From $59.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Shirazz Japanese Maple
Deeply lobed, variegated leaves of pinks, greens, and creamy white. New growth emerges with hues of striking crimson pink with white margins. Fall colours are tones of crimson red to scarlet.
From $59.98
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Last Online Update 2/15/2023
Shirazz Japanese Maple
Deeply lobed, variegated leaves of pinks, greens, and creamy white. New growth emerges with hues of striking crimson pink with white margins. Fall colours are tones of crimson red to scarlet.
From $26.98
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Last Online Update 5/8/2020
Shirazz Japanese Maple
Deeply lobed, variegated leaves of pinks, greens, and creamy white. New growth emerges with hues of striking crimson pink with white margins. Fall colours are tones of crimson red to scarlet.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 5/14/2020
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/2/2022
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 1/19/2022
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Gold to brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $129.00
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Last Online Update 3/26/2021
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $129.00
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Last Online Update 1/20/2020
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Gold to brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $59.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $180.00
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Last Online Update 6/11/2021
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $650.00
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Last Online Update 5/8/2011
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $140.00
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Last Online Update 4/9/2018
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $149.00
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Last Online Update 4/13/2023
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $79.98
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Last Online Update 4/1/2021
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $129.98
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Last Online Update 4/16/2012
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $280.00
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Last Online Update 4/1/2021
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $69.98
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Last Online Update 5/26/2018
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Gold to brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 6/2/2022
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $780.00
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Last Online Update 3/29/2023
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $260.00
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Last Online Update 2/22/2023
Lions Head Maple
Thickly covered with small, textured green, crinkled leaves. Brilliant orange in Late Fall. A true garden aristocrat!
From $220.00
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Last Online Update 2/21/2023
Shojo Japanese Maple
Purple red leaves with persisting summer color. Crimson red fall color is out of this world. Very Rare. Tidy, upright branching habit. Deciduous
From $200.00
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Last Online Update 4/15/2011
Skeeter's Broom Japanese Maple
This is a compact red Japanese maple. Darkest red lacy foliage; sweeping, layered branching with rounded habit. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
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Skeeter's Broom Japanese Maple
This is a compact red Japanese maple. Darkest red lacy foliage; sweeping, layered branching with rounded habit. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
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Skeeter's Broom Japanese Maple
This is a compact red Japanese maple. Darkest red lacy foliage; sweeping, layered branching with rounded habit. Brighter crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
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Spring Delight Japanese Maple
Laceleaf maple with soft green leaves edged with pinkish red. Foliage transitions through a bright green summer into an assortment of orange hues in fall.
From $169.00
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Last Online Update 4/13/2023
Sumi nagashi Red Japanese Maple
This Japanese Maple is vigorous and upright. It has deeply divided red-purple leaves. In very sunny areas protect from afternoon sun to retain foliage colour.
From $340.00
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Last Online Update 3/18/2021
Sumi nagashi Red Japanese Maple
This Japanese Maple is vigorous and upright. It has deeply divided red-purple leaves. In very sunny areas protect from afternoon sun to retain foliage colour.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 2/8/2022
Sumi nagashi Red Japanese Maple
This Japanese Maple is vigorous and upright. It has deeply divided red-purple leaves. In very sunny areas protect from afternoon sun to retain foliage colour.
From $380.00
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Last Online Update 11/30/2021
Summer Gold Japanese Maple
Showy golden yellow color throughout the summer. Summer Gold keeps it color even it hot sunny conditions better than others. Leaves emerge light green then turn golden and finaly yellow if fall.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 4/1/2021
Taiyo nishiki Japanese Maple
Spring foliage emerges in lovely gradations of pink, with yellow veins. Occasionally, the new branches will also emerge pink. The foliage ages to green in summer, and turn to red and orange in the fall.
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Taro yama Japanese Maple
This dwarf tree has brownish-green leaves, which mature through a greener summer into a scarlet fall.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 3/5/2020
Taylor Japanese Maple
Pretty pink spring foliage ages to green with pink margins in summer, and if enough shade is provided, may hold most of the pink colour well into summer.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 4/1/2021
Tobiosho Japanese Maple
Broad, upright growing Japanese Maple that forms an exceptionally dense canopy of green, heavily toothed foliage. Brilliant autumn colours of gold, orange and scarlet.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 4/1/2021
Tobiosho Japanese Maple
Broad, upright growing Japanese Maple that forms an exceptionally dense canopy of green, heavily toothed foliage. Brilliant autumn colours of gold, orange and scarlet.
From $149.00
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Last Online Update 12/8/2021
Tobiosho Japanese Maple
Broad, upright growing Japanese Maple that forms an exceptionally dense canopy of green, heavily toothed foliage. Brilliant autumn colours of gold, orange and scarlet.
From $420.00
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Last Online Update 11/23/2021
Tobiosho Japanese Maple
Broad, upright growing Japanese Maple that forms an exceptionally dense canopy of green, heavily toothed foliage. Brilliant autumn colours of gold, orange and scarlet.
From $320.00
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Last Online Update 2/3/2022
Trompenburg Red Japanese Maple
Leaves are deeply lobed, shiny, purple-red. Leaf edges roll down giving a 'finger-like' effect. Fall colour is a brilliant scarlet-orange.
From $149.00
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Last Online Update 4/24/2023
Tsukasa Silhouette Japanese Maple
This sun tolerant maple emerges with fresh, lime green foliage in spring, turning darker as it matures, and then brilliant red in Fall. Known for upright vigorous, narrow habit. It is new to the market and sure to gain popularity.
From $289.00
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Last Online Update 6/18/2021
Tsukushigata Japanese Maple
The deep red-black, dark-chocolate foliage of this small tree holds its surprising color all summer, when the star-shaped leaves change to scarlet before they drop. It produces green seeds and has green venation and bark, all of which contribute to a dramatic color contrast.
From $129.00
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Last Online Update 4/9/2018
Tsuma gaki Maple
Soft pendant chartreuse leaves on this small rounded tree sport dramatic edges of persimmon red. In summer the foliage continues to demand attention as it develops wide deep red margins and light cream centres.
From $79.98
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Last Online Update 4/1/2021
Tsuma gaki Maple
Soft pendant chartreuse leaves on this small rounded tree sport dramatic edges of persimmon red. In summer the foliage continues to demand attention as it develops wide deep red margins and light cream centres.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 4/1/2021
Twombley's Red Sentinel Japanese Maple
Exciting red Japanese maple withe darkest red foliage. Narrow, upright habit. Brightest crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
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Twombley's Red Sentinel Japanese Maple
Exciting red Japanese maple withe darkest red foliage. Narrow, upright habit. Brightest crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
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Twombley's Red Sentinel Japanese Maple
Exciting red Japanese maple withe darkest red foliage. Narrow, upright habit. Brightest crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
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Twombley's Red Sentinel Japanese Maple
Exciting red Japanese maple withe darkest red foliage. Narrow, upright habit. Brightest crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2022
Twombley's Red Sentinel Japanese Maple
Exciting red Japanese maple withe darkest red foliage. Narrow, upright habit. Brightest crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
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Twombley's Red Sentinel Japanese Maple
Exciting red Japanese maple withe darkest red foliage. Narrow, upright habit. Brightest crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $120.00
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Last Online Update 6/2/2022
Twombley's Red Sentinel Japanese Maple
Exciting red Japanese maple withe darkest red foliage. Narrow, upright habit. Brightest crimson in Fall. Dark purple - red stems make great winter interest. Red winged fruit.
From $280.00
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Last Online Update 4/14/2022
Ueno Yama Japanese Maple
Intense orange spring foliage changes to a bright green for summer and then returns to yellow orange in the fall. It has an upright growth habit This is a good vigorous variety with earlly spring color.
From $34.98
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Last Online Update 4/17/2013
Floating Clouds Japanese Maple
Green and white variegation, pink added on Spring - new growth. Leaves are lighter to almost white if in Full Sun. Best to plant in Part Sun / Shade to keep variegation and avoid leaf burn.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 6/2/2022
Utsu semi Japanese Maple
This small tree has heavily textured bright green leaves with a reddish margin, which turn to crimson and purple in fall.
From $24.98
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Last Online Update 3/5/2020
VillaTaranto Japanese Maple
Long, narrow, 5-lobed leaves create a beautiful lacy effect in shades between green and red. Rich gold fall color.
From $89.98
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Last Online Update 9/29/2011
VillaTaranto Japanese Maple
Long, narrow, 5-lobed leaves create a beautiful lacy effect in shades between green and red. Rich gold fall color.
From $220.00
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Last Online Update 4/15/2011
Villa Taranto Japanese Maple
Long, narrow, 5-lobed leaves create a beautiful lacy effect in shades between green and red. Rich gold fall color.
From $59.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023
William S. Campbell Japanese Maple
This upright tree has yellow-variegated green foliage which turn orange-red in fall.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 3/5/2020
Winter Orange Japanese Maple
Found in 2009 from local growers in Chilliwack.Upright Habit, Green foliage with new growth having a margin of orange-red, Striking orange bark in the winter.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 3/3/2011
Winter Orange Japanese Maple
Upright Habit, Green foliage with new growth having a margin of orange-red, Striking orange bark in the winter. Prune to shape and control size.
From $189.00
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Last Online Update 2/14/2022
Winter Red Japanese Maple
‘Winter red' is an excellent rare Japanese maple selection with a bright fiery red coral bark. This provides a beautiful colour display especially in winter, In spring it has bright chartreuse green leaves that compliment and contrast well with the bright red bark. 8-10' tall . An excellent choice!
From $129.00
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Last Online Update 11/23/2021
Winter Red Japanese Maple
‘Winter red' is an excellent rare Japanese maple selection with a bright fiery red coral bark. This provides a beautiful colour display especially in winter, In spring it has bright chartreuse green leaves that compliment and contrast well with the bright red bark. 8-10' tall . An excellent choice!
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 6/21/2022
Winter's Columnar Red Japanese Maple
Winter's Columnar Red is a tight and dense, upright Japanese Maple that has a narrow form. It often has the upright form at a young age and can reach 10ft by 2-3 ft in width in 10 years. Excellent choice for tighter spaces. Has a nice bright colour early in spring, turning maroon by late spring. Fall colour is brilliang red.
From $39.98
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Last Online Update 11/23/2021
Yasemin Japanese Maple
Yasemin has an upright habit and shiny deep purple-red leaves which redden in fall.
From $49.98
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Last Online Update 4/27/2023