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We provide prices online as a reference. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. In case of discrepancy, the instore price shall be deemed as correct. This search is NOT a real time inventory. Please treat it as a reference guide to products we have carried in the past. Call 604.882.1201 to confirm inventory and availability

Search Results:

ProductSize | Price
Tulipa 'Orange Pride' Bulbs 6Pk
Orange Pride Tulip Bulbs 6Pk
Tulipa 'Orange Pride' Bulbs 6Pk

The Orange Pride Tulip is a delicate combination of pumpkin, salmon and apricot with a light frost overtop. A huge flower, a heavy stem and large leaves. Blooms 5" tall and about 22" stems.

6 Bulbs
From $7.98
Last Online Update

We strive to ensure that all prices displayed are accurate. In case of a price discrepancy, the in-store price shall be deemed to be correct.

Not all products are in-store at all times. Please treat this data as a product reference, not a real time inventory. Always call ahead 604.882.1201 to ensure availability.

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