How To Grow Wandering Dude


Tradescantia is a large genus of plants containing both indoor and outdoor plants. The most common indoor plant has been recently renamed as “Wandering Dude” but used to be called “Wandering Jew”. Its an easy houseplant to grow. 


This plant requires bright, indirect light. Insufficient light will result in faded leaf markings. Too much sun can cause the leaves to scorch. 


Water regularly keeping the soil slightly moist. Do not water the foliage as it can cause foliage rot. Don’t allow it to dry out in winter. A regularly misting can also improve plant happiness and health. 


Soil should be slightly moist, but well draining. It grows well in ordinary potting soil. If your soil is too wet mix in a little extra sand or perlite.


Pinch back the long vining tendrils. These short-lived plants do not age well. They will often need to be rejuvenated or renewed yearly.  The hardest part of caring for this plant is achieving a consistent moisture level. It likes moist, but not soggy soil.  These plants do not need a lot of extra fertilizer to thrive. Temperatures below 50F will damage this plant.
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