How To Grow Staghorn Fern

Platycerium bifurcatum

Originally from Australia, this plant gets its name from its antler-like fronds. They are epiphytes, meaning they do not grow in soil. Rather they grow on tree trunks in the wild. They gather moisture from their foliage and feed  on debris from fallen leaves.


Grows best in bright, indirect light. Strong summer sun can damage the fronds.


Water thoroughly, allowing the medium to dry between waterings. Where possible, water from below to avoid leaf rot, Prefers moist air. Dry indoor air can cause tip browning. Mist regularly to keep humidity high.


Sphagnum moss or medium specially made for epiphytes such as bromeliad or orchid mix is recommended.


Avoid saturating the fronds with water as they rot easily. Mature plants are more tolerant of drought than of a soggy medium. An average room temperature of 16-24C is recommended. Feed monthly in summer with a foliar feed and plunge the rootball portion into tepid water for several minutes. Offsets, also called ‘pups’, can be carefully separated from the main plant when they develop.
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