How To Grow Rubber Plant

Ficas elastica

Originally from India and Malaysia, the Rubber Plant is an attractive evergreen that produces sticky sap that dries into marginal quality rubber. Large, leathery, glossy leaves make it an easy to grow, popular houseplant.


This plant prefers bright light, but no direct sun. Avoid sudden changes in lighting as it may cause leaf drop.


Keep soil evenly moist. Use a pot with a drainage hole, water thoroughly, then empty drainage tray. Don’t overwater, which can cause root rot. Drooping yellow leaves are a symptom of overwatering.


A peat moss-based potting mix is generally recommended for this plant.


Like other Ficus, it doesn’t like to be moved. Sudden environmental changes may cause it to drop its leaves. Keep it away from drafts. It is natural for older, lower leaves to turn yellow and fall off. Repot only when roots fill the pot - it likes to be slightly pot-bound. Gently wipe dusty leaves as they may be easily scarred. Feed once a month with 1/2 strength liquid fertilizer.
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