How To Grow Pothos
Epipremnum aureum
An easy to grow, popular houseplant originally from the Solomon Islands. Known for its long trailing stems and ability to clean the air of Formaldehyde.
Allow top 1 inch of soil to dry between waterings. Will not tolerate soggy soil. Overwatering causes yellow foliage and leaf fall. Wilted leaves indicate dryness. Make sure your pot has a drainage hole! Average humidity is recommended.
Allow top 1 inch of soil to dry between waterings. Will not tolerate soggy soil. Overwatering causes yellow foliage and leaf fall. Wilted leaves indicate dryness. Make sure your pot has a drainage hole! Average humidity is recommended.
A good quality, all purpose potting mix is recommended.
A slower grower that rarely needs repotting. Caring for ZZ plants is easy - leave them alone. They thrive with a lack of care and can survive months without water. They also don’t need a lot of fertilizer. A half strength fertilizer 1-2 times per year is more than enough. All parts of this plant are poisonous. Keep it away from children and pets.