How To Grow Croton

Codiaeum variegatum pictum

A vibrant plant originally from Australia, Malaysia and Pacific Islands. Stiff leathery leaves in bold yellow, orange, red and green colours make it a beautiful choice of houseplant. Also known as ‘Josephs Coat’.


Bright light and at least 3 hours of direct sunlight per day is recommended. Leaf colours are more vibrant when the plant gets lots of light. Mostly green leaves indicates that it wants more sun.


Keep the soil evenly moist with room temperature water. High humidity is recommended. Mist and stand the plant on a tray of wet pebbles.


A peat moss based mix is best. African Violet mix is an easy solution.


Crotons can be a bit of a challenge to grow. The secret is plenty of sunshine, a warm draft free environment, moist soil and humid air. Dry air and soil will cause leaves to fall.  Its sap can be an irritant. Keep it away from pets and children. Feed every 2 weeks from early spring through summer with a 1/2 strength liquid fertilizer. Give them space as they can grow to larger sizes.
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