How To Grow Banana Plant

Musa basjoo

Banana plants feature large lush looking tropical foliage on a tall central stalk. They make a good houseplant if given enough light, moisture and food.


Banana plants are jungle lovers that thrive in the warmth of the tropics. This plant loves a bright sunny and warm location. 8-12 hours of direct sunlight per day, and a consistent 19+ degrees celsius temperature.


Banana plants need plenty of moisture both indoors and out. Water regularly, but don’t overdo it as root rot can occur in overly wet soils. Misting the foliage regularly increases humidity and keeps them happier as well.


Use a rich, well draining soil like Pro-Mix or Tropical Plant Soil. Soil should be moist, but not soggy at all times. Acidic soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5 is recommended.


As they are fast growing, frequent feeding is recommended, especially during the spring and summer. Wipe down leaves to prevent a dust build up while inside.  Aphids and other pests are common indoors. Increase humidity or use an Insecticidal soap product to control the pest population. You can bring them outside in the summer, but do not expose them to any frost.

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