How To Grow Areca Palm

Dypsis lutescens

Once an endangered species, the Areca Palm is now one of the most commonly sold houseplants in North America. This clumping palm looks a lot like bamboo with smooth trunks and narrow fronds with bamboo-like leaves. 


Areca Palms require bright light from a south or west facing window. Many homeowners supplement the available light with grow lights on timers. 


Areca palms are sensitive to over watering and will not tolerate being waterlogged. Let the soil dry out between watering. Use distilled water or allow your water to sit as these plants dislike fluoride in tap water. High humidity is essential for good health. Leaf tips will turn brown if too dry. 


Use a peat moss-based potting mix with perlite or sand added for good drainage. Well drained soil will help prevent waterlogged roots. 


Areca Palms are heavy feeders. Yellowing leaves will occur when trace elements are unavailable. They are also susceptible to excess fertilizer salts. Also dislikes fluoridated water.  Keep the temperature between 65-75F for best results. Keep the plant away from cold windows, heat sources and air conditioners.  Fertilizer with a weak liquid fertilizer once or twice in spring and summer.
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