How To Grow African Violet


Originally from Eastern African, they are one of the most popular flowering houseplants. A low-growing rosette of dark green, rounded leaves forms flowers in a variety of colours. Thousands of cultivars are available including doubles, edged and frilly varieties.


Needs bright light in order to bloom. Lack of flowers and leggy stems indicate its not getting enough light. Grow lights are a great idea. Strong summer sun may scorch the leaves. May also fail to bloom if they don’t get 8 hours of darkness per night. 


Keep soil evenly moist but not boggy. Best to water from the bottom to avoid stem rot. Always use room temperature water to avoid shock. Moderate to high humidity is recommended. Do not mist as the water can damage leaves. 


An African Violet soil mix is recommended. A peat moss based mix can also be used. 


Feed every 2 weeks with an African Violet fertilizer. This plant can be damaged by cold drafts, harsh sunlight and overwatering. It is normal for older leaves to shrivel and brown. Flowers better when slightly pot bound. Avoid getting leaves wet as it may leave spots on the leaves that won’t come off. Add a grow light to get more blooms and don’t forget to deadhead spent flowers and remove old leaves.
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