How To Grow African mask

Alocasia x amazonica

Originally from South East Asia, this variety of Elephants Ear is a hybrid that makes a striking and popular houseplant. Deep green serrated leaves are accented by white or light green veins. Foliage varies from wide hearts to narrow arrowheads.


African Mask plants require bright, indirect light. 60% shade is ideal but they can tolerate up to 80%. They don’t like being exposed to strong, direct sunlight.


Soil should be kept moist, but not wet. This plant does not like wet feet. Over watering may result in fungal infections. A morning watering lets it dry out during the day. In winter, give the plant a rest by allowing it to become almost dry between watering. Allowing it to become completely dry may cause the plant to go dormant.


A fast draining, well aerated potting soil with a high amount of peat moss is ideal.


If exposed to cold, this plant may die or go dormant. Keep it between 65-75c with above average humidity.  Mist with soap and water every couple of weeks to deter mealy bugs, spider mites and aphids.  This plant is a heavy feeder during its growing period. Feed every 2 weeks with a ½ strength liquid plant food. Stop fertilizing in August and resume next Spring. This plant can be toxic, keep away from children and pets.

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