Pond plants come in several categories. These are marginals, floaters, oxygenators and aquatic plants.
Marginal plants are ideal for around a pond of water feature, but do not actually sit in the water. Think of them as plants that don't mind marshy, boggy areas, but not necessarily standing water.
Floaters simply drift on the surface of the pond. they shade the waters surface, reduce algae bloom and their roots protect fish from predators. Common floaters include Water Hyacinths and Water Lettuce.
Oxygenators grow under water and control algae. They absorb excess nutrients and free u poxygen that clears water and allows fish to breather.
Aquatic plants are the ones that you physically plant in the pond or water feature. Perhaps the best example is the Water Lily.
For more information about water plants, call us at 604.882.1201, or visit us in person at Art's Nursery Ltd.