Clematis pruning is an important part of clematis care. While there are lots of subtle variations and techniques, clematis pruning is basically organized into one of three techniques:
Clematis Pruning Groups
Group A (or Group 1)
These clematis bloom on the previous years growth in the spring. Remove dead wood and lightly prune to shape after flowering. Species include Clematis montana, alpina and macropetala
Group B (or Group 2)
Clematis in this group flower on old wood in the spring and new wood in the summer. Perform a moderate pruning after spring bloom as needed. Light pruning is recommended after the summer and fall bloom.
Group C (or Group 3)
Group C Clematis are the summer blooming varieies that bear flowers on new growth each year. Prune these types of clematis hard in winter to encourage new growth for better flowering next season.