Roses require lots of sun, at least 6-8 hours per day is ideal. Plant roses only in well drained soil. They will not tolerate standing water around their roots. Space roses at least 3-4 feet apart as they prefer plenty of air circulation and soil. Adjust the spacing according to the specific variety of rose.
Before planting, water your new rose thoroughly. Dig a hole 2-3 times the width of the rose pot and the same depth. Sprinkle bonemeal into the hole to stimulate root growth. Plant the rose and refill the hole with soil. After planting, prepare for a regular regime of feeding as roses are heavy feeders. Add fertilizer about once a month during April through August.
When watering, avoid getting water on rose leaves. Water the soil directly - do not use a sprinkler. Deep watering once a week should be sufficient unless it gets really hot.