Spring is on its way, and now is the last chance to protect your trees by applying dormant oil spray and lime Sulphur BEFORE bud break. Combat disease and pesky insects such as scale, mites, and leafrollers in one easy step by using this spray kit on fruit trees, deciduous shrubs, and ornamentals. Do not spray on evergreens.
If you’re only going to apply one treatment this year to protect your fruit trees and keep your garden clean -
this is it! To learn more about this product, continue reading below...
What is Dormant Oil Spray?
Dormant oil spray is available in a kit that contains a lime sulphur and horticultural oil that are combined together to kill over-wintering insects (such as scale, mites, and leafrollers) and control disease & fungus. The oil suffocates insects and their eggs nesting in branches. It’s the best preventative measure you can take by cutting off most of the insect population to protect your trees from damage.
When to Apply
Use dormant oil with lime sulphur any time during winter when temperatures are above freezing. Plants need to be dormant - apply before spring buds begin to open.
- Use on fruit and other deciduous trees, shrubs, and ornamentals
- DO NOT apply to evergreens, beeches, Japanese Maple trees, or Colorado Blue Spruce
How to Use
For proper mixing instructions and safety precautions, always follow the directions according to the package.
- Once mixed, the easiest method to apply is by using a pressurized sprayer or a specific applicator that attaches to your garden hose.
- Mix only what you can use, as you cannot save the prepared solution for later use. Always wear protective clothing and goggles when spraying any garden pesticide.
- ONLY apply when the plant is completely dormant (no signs of growth)
- Start spraying at the top of the plant until it just starts to bead off the branches, and then work your way down. Spray around the base of your tree or bush. The spray will be more efficient on a day without wind, and dry days are best.
Dormant oil spray is the best protective treatment to help kill over-wintering insects, eggs, and fungal spores from your deciduous trees, shrubs, and ornamentals. This is the most beneficial treatment to apply to your fruit trees, and NOW is the time to do it - before new spring growth starts to appear!