How to Grow Raspberries

Raspberries are one of the most popular cane fruits grown by home gardeners. Generally speaking, Raspberries are deciduous plants that produce a fruit that is red to yellow in colour, conical to thimble shaped and loses its core when picked. Raspberries produce long lanky canes that must be tied in or afixed to supports. Their canes are often bristly or thorny and can be troublesome to deal with.

Raspberries varieties are divided into two groups summer bearing and ever-bearing. All raspberries produce fruit on two year old canes. Everbearing types will also produce a crop in the late summer or early fall on this years growth. Canes over two years of age will die back after flowering and fruiting

Summer Varieties

  • Coho
  • Meeker
  • Willamette

Everbearing Varieties (Fall Bearing)

  • Autumn Bliss
  • Fall Gold

Exposure / Light

Raspberry canes should be planted in areas that receive full sun. Summer fruiting types can tolerate a little more shade.

Moisture / Soil

Raspberries have deep roots are best planted in deep, moist, but well drained soil that is rich in organic matter. A soil that is neutral to acidic with copious amounts of compost and mulch will improve yields.

These cane fruits require regular watering in early summer (June-July). Avoid watering the foliage and fruit as this may promote rot. Water the soil, use a soaker hose or drip irrigation instead. If you are planting more than one, space them with 2-3 ft between each cane and 6-10 feet between rows.


Raspberries are self-fertile and do not require external pollination


Apply Arts Fruit Tree and Berry Food once during the season, preferably in early spring. Amending the soil with compost or organic material is beneficial.


Summer bearing varieties produce fruit on two year old canes.Raspberries are a fast ripening and short lasting crop. Harvest in summer. Pick gently and use as soon as possible as they do not last long.


For summer bearing varieties, prune in the fall by removing old canes that have fruited. Tie in or afix newly grown canes. For fall fruiting or ever-bearing varieties, wait until winter and then cut all canes to the ground. While this does eliminate the spring crop, the fall berries will be of greater abundance and better quality. Otherwise, selectively prune away parts of the cane that fruited and leave the rest to produce a spring crop.

Care / Maintenance

Raspberries have a shallow root system so avoid cultivating near their roots. Thick annual mulching is recommended. Birds may be attracted to your crop so netting may be helpful. Virus diseases are fairly common on raspberries plants. Telltale signs include mottled or yellowing leaves. Remove and destroy any affected canes.

For More Information

for more information about growing and carring for raspberries visit us at Arts Nursery or call 604.882.1201

Author: Arts Nursery Ltd. Source: Arts Nursery Ltd.
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