How To Grow Haskap Berries

Lonicera caerulea

haskap berry
Image Courtesy: Wikipedia

Haskap Berries are the one of the rising stars of berry fruits in the Canadian marketplace. Haskaps are known by many names including: Honeyberries, Edible Honeysuckles, Blue Honeysuckles, Sweet Berry or even the Canadian Honey Berry. The fruit of these delicious berries resembles a cross between a blueberry and a long grape. Originating from Siberia, these berries are said to taste like a cross between raspberries and blue berries with a kiwi-like texture. Research has also shown that the Haskap has higher levels of anti-oxidants that the blueberry.

Haskaps can be used in the same way you would other berries including: fresh eating, jams & preserves, baking and even a juice.

Haskap bushes are excellent in the garden for a number of reasons. First, they are extremely cold hardy making them ideal for Canadian winters. Second, they are fast growing, and produce one of the earliest crops of all berry plants. Third, Haskap shrubs are high yielding. One mature plant can produce up to 7-10 pounds of fruit. Finally, the Haskap plant is also disease and pest resistant making it much easier to grow organically.

Exposure / Light

Grow Haskap berries in the full to part sun. A sheltered spot is ideal.

Soil / Moisture

Haskaps prefer soils that are rich, moist, but well drained. They are more tolerant of soil acidity and can be grown in a wider range of soils that Blueberries can (ph 5 - 8.5)

Haskap Pollination

Haskap plants require pollination in order to produce fruit. for best fruit production, plant at least 2 varieties in close range to get adequate pollination. Two or more different varieties would be our recommendation.

Haskap Harvest

Haskap flowers are borne early on stems and thus produce one of the earliest berry crops (even ahead of Strawberries). Berries are ready to be picked by mid to late June. These berries will look ripe 1-2 weeks before they are truly ready to be eaten. If the berries are green inside, they are not ripe; they should be a deep purple red inside when fully ripened. Some berries will fall to the ground when ready. Birds can be highly attracted to Haskap berries so garden netting to protect your crop may not be a bad idea.

Haskap Pruning

As Haskap plants can grow 4-8ft tall, a yearly pruning is generally recommended to keep their size in check. Prune in late winter or early spring. As the berries are borne on one year old, remove about 10-15% of the branches each year to create a steady supply of new wood for future years.

Haskap Varieties

There are several pre-dominant Haskap varieties including:

  • Indigo Gem
  • Tundra
  • Borealis

For More Information

Arts Nursery regularly stocks Haskap Berries of various varieties. For more information about Haskaps, visit Arts Nursery or call us at 604.882.1201.


Author: Arts Nursery Ltd. Source: Arts Nursery Ltd.
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