Your Garden in December 2010

Sheesh, you would think everybody is busy enough in December without us telling you about more to do! But since you're here reading...
holly in winter
  • Check stored tubers and bulbs. Shake them up, remove moldy bits, add more shavings and if you have some handy, shake on some Cinnamon – it’s a fungicide and mighty tasty one at that - but I wouldn't eat it afterwards!
  • Check drainage in outdoor pots after that first bit of snow. If there is too much water build-up move under an overhang.
  • You can prune trees and shrubs now. There are some good pruning resources you can check out for some excellent information on pruning trees and shrubs as well as your local library, or come on in and see us and we can give you some great tips, as well as set you up with the proper tools.
  • Mist house plants, check locations, some may need to be moved away from drafty windows. Use pebble trays to increase humidity. Fill tray with pebbles and place under the drip tray of a house plant. Add water to pebble tray, water evaporates from the increased surface area of the pebbles, increasing humidity right around the plant.
  • Trees, shrubs and hardy perennials can be moved as long as the ground is not frozen or waterlogged. New planting can also be done at this time.
  • For a bit of indoor sunshine, get your indoor forcing bulbs now. Paperwhite Daffodils and Amaryllis are by far the most popular
  • You can still plant outdoor bulbs now and anytime as long as the ground isn’t frozen or waterlogged.
  • Stock up for our feathered friends; locate bird feeders where you can watch them. Art's carries a nice selection of bird houses and bird seed but for an even wider selection the local Wild Bird's Unlimited is awesome!
  • Be kind to yourself, take some extra time to relax, have your vitamin C and D and bring in some winter bouquets from your garden.
  • Catalogues, catalogues, catalogues. Place feet on comfy stool, grasp catalogue in both hands and…relax. Daydream and plan for next year. Draw, clip pictures and browse the web for some great ideas.
  • Enjoy, give yourself a pat on the back for another garden year under your belt and take time for yourself. When we have some good weather days, go for a walk in your local park or botanical garden and check out the winterscapes.

    Author: Laurelle O. Source: Art's Nursery Ltd


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