Paperwhite Daffodils for Cheery Winter Blooms

paperwhite daffodil

Paperwhites or Narcissus papyraceus are popular bulbs for forcing in the winter, and especially for Christmas.

They add sweet fragrance and cheerful blooms that brighten up those grey winter days, and are a great winter project for frustrated gardeners like me.

Paperwhites need no chilling period like other bulbs, and will bloom in 3 to 4 weeks from planting. So now is a great time to plant for Christmas blooms. By starting pots every few weeks you could have a continuous display all winter long!

Start with a container that is 3-4 inches deep, and add 1-2 inches of decorative stone, marbles or even plain gravel.

Place your paperwhite bulbs, pointed end up, on the stone, squeezing in as many as you can. I would use at least 5 bulbs for a good show.

Top up with more stones to the shoulder of the bulbs, and add water just to the base of the bulbs. Keep them cool ( 65 degrees F.), and once roots form put the container on a sunny windowsill. Check for water each day. When in flower try to keep them out of direct sunlight, and in a cool place again, at least at night. This helps the blooms last longer.

Sometimes the plants get a bit top heavy and flop. Tie the stalks together with a raffia or ribbon bow for a great Christmas accent.

When the blooms are finished cut back the flower stalks, but leave the leaves to die down naturally. When weather permits, you can plant your spent bulbs outside – they will bloom again in 2 – 3 years.

paper white bulbs

We carry a nice selection of paperwhite bulbs available at Art’s Nursery along with pre-made artistic planters and ready to use kits which include bulbs, container, planting medium and instructions.

Paperwhites also make a great christmas gift!

Happy planting!

Lynne B.
Author: Lynne B. Source: Arts Nursery Ltd.


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