October Gardening Calendar

  • Add Bulbs to existing containers. The smaller bulbs that bloom early are easy to add and give your container a whole new look in the Spring. Try crocus, mini daffodils, grape hyacinths, or snowdrops. Why not add a few to the lawn too? If you have birthday near that time, write the number of years in the lawn with crocus!
  • Freshen containers with cold tolerant annuals or perennials such as: pansies, cabbage, kate, dusty miller, asters, heuchera, euphorbia, ajuga and more, come there are lots of nice looking plants for the fall and winter months.
  • Buy spring blooming bulbs and do your best to plant them before the ground freezes.
  • Overseed lawns and feed them with a winter lawn fertilizer.
  • Divide easy to grow perennials such as, peonies, iris, daylily, bleeding hearts, hardy geranium, hostas, and daisies.
  • Feed the birds!
  • Plant trees and shrubs if you haven’t already. Keep watered until ground is frozen.
  • Bring house plants inside before night temperatures are too cold.
  • Mulch beds with compost, leaves, mulch, mushroom manure or Seasoil. It will assist in rejuvenating your soil especially when tilled in next spring. It will also deter weed growth, reduce moisture loss etc
  • Keep an eye on the weather. It may be necessary to start thinking about overwindering dahlias, cannas, and other tender annuals.
  • Tools sharpened and cleaned.
  • Hose drained and put away… may still need for a bit when the weather is warm. Store inside so it doesn’t freeze up.
  • Consider winterizing ponds, birdbaths, or anything that holds water. Freezing and thawing can cause damage.


  • Put plant tags on ring. You have an index of what you have planted and it is easy to take with you when you visit garden centres.
  • Plant a winter interest shrub or tree. Look from the inside of the house out the window you may view this when it is blooming. Plant accordingly so you can enjoy it. Ie. Callicarpa, Witchhazel. Create your own beautiful winter view!
  • Plant bulbs in plastic pots. Trench in the soil beds and cover with leaves, uncover in Spring and plant pot where you wish. When you they are finished blooming pull out and set aside for foliage to die back and return nutrients to the bulb.
  • If squirrels are a problem plant bulbs and then cover them with wire mesh before adding the final layer of soil, bulbs will make their way though the mesh / chicken wire.
  • Also heard that making a mulch out of old daff bulbs and scattering them around the tulips will help keep squirrels away.
  • Take Photos where bulbs are planted. Place a marker, stake, write on a flat stone, or plant grape hyacinths (muscari) near or above your bulb plantings of tulips daffs. The foliage comes up in the fall marking where your bulbs are planted.
  • Author: Source:


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