May 2011 In Your Garden

Red TulipsWhat is that bright light….is it actually the sun? 

Once again, I’m slow to put away my winter clothes and for good reason.  It’s been a cool wet spring and you can consider the May to-do list an April do-over.  I am hopeful that this year we’ll actually get a little bit of a rain reprieve during fruit blossom time so the bees can do their job.  Here’s the list:

Many of the shrubs and perennials are slow to get started, and there is still plenty of time to move things around in your garden if you haven’t yet had a chance.

Keep at the weeding.  Though, I do leave the dandelions temporarily for my mason bees. Alright, alright, I haven’t actually gotten to my front beds, but if I had, I’d leave those dandelions for my mason bees.

Be vigilant for aphids on roses and winter moth on apples.  The find and squish method works best…gloves are recommended.   Make sure you recognize the good bugs from the bad.  Ladybug larvae are rather scary looking when you first see them.  There are a lot of fantastic and really interesting internet sites on insects you will encounter in your garden. 


You can plant Dahlias, Lilies, Glads and other tubers now.  Planting packaged hostas and perennials are an economical way to flesh out your garden!  You can fertilize your spring flowering bulbs and allow them to die down.  Please don’t cut or tie the leaves – they are storing energy right now for next year’s bloom.

Now is the time for your best selection of tomatoes, other veggies, herbs and annuals.  Do keep them under cover until Mother Nature really decides its spring. 

Continue to seed veggies and flowers according to package directions.  With the cold wet April, you may need to reseed a few things.

Trim evergreen hedges and fertilize with a slow release fertilizer. 

Fertilize and mulch rhodos.

Ditto for your rose gardens.

Set up your peony rings and pea trellises.

Fertilize and topdress berry patches and around fruit trees. 

Watch for powdery mildew on roses and apples and remove affected leaves immediately.

Once your winter flowering heathers have finished their bloom; you can trim and shape them to encourage a nice compact habit.

Fertilize house plants and repot if needed.  Increase watering and humidity as needed.  As the weather warms up…and it will, you can gradually move some of them outside.

Now is a great time to trade plants and shrubs with your neighbors.  If you have a surplus of something…why not make a trade and start a tradition in your neighborhood. (or even better - visit Art's and stock up!)



Author: Laurelle O. Source: Arts Nursery Ltd.


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