#JustAskArts - Plants & Gardening Q&A

Art's Nursery's team of plant geeks, horticulturists and designers is looking forward to answering your questions about plants, providing design inspiration and solving the challenges you are experiencing in your garden. There are no dumb questions. We may not know everything, but we'll do our best to get you a good answer! But so you know, all of our answers will be biased towards our area, our plant selection and our Pacific Northwest Climate. So what are you waiting for? Ask Your Question

Q. If a dwarf Alberta spruce sprouts a branch that looks like a regular spruce can it be safely pruned off without harming the tree?

Posted On: 11/18/2017 12:00:00 AM  | In Category : Pruning

If a dwarf Alberta spruce sprouts a branch that looks like a regular spruce can it be safely pruned off without harming the tree?

Location: Langley, British Columbia, Canada
Tags: pruning, alberta spruce, sport, picea conica

Q. How to Prune Blueberries

Posted On: 11/8/2017 12:00:00 AM  | In Category : Pruning

I have five blue berry bushes and want your advice on when and how to prune bushes for next season

Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Tags: blueberries, pruning, pruning blueberries, pruning vaccinium

Q. Is Agave Cold Hardy Enough To Grow In Victoria?

Posted On: 10/31/2017 12:00:00 AM  | In Category :

Is agave plant cold hardy enough to winter outdoors here in Victoria by?

Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Tags: agave, hardiness, desert plants, growing agave

Q. How to Store Dahlia Tubers For the Winter?

Posted On: 10/28/2017 12:00:00 AM  | In Category : Plant Care

Connie asks, How Do I Store my Dahlia tubers for the winter?

Location: Tsawwassen, British Columbia, Canada
Tags: dahlia, dahlia tubers, dahlia tuber storage, protecting dahlias, over wintering dahlias

Q. When is the absolute deadline for planting anything

Posted On: 10/10/2017 12:00:00 AM  | In Category : Plant Care

When is the absolute deadline for planting anything?

Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Tags: transplant, winter planting, fall planting

Q. Can climbing vines such as clematis be used as ground cover

Posted On: 10/10/2017 12:00:00 AM  | In Category : Garden Design

Can all climbing vines such as clematis be used as ground cover or do they need gravity to climb up something in order to grow? Thank you.

Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Tags: groundcovers, climbing vines, clematis

Q. How Often Do You Get New Plants?

Posted On: 10/7/2017 12:00:00 AM  | In Category : General Gardening

How Often Do You Get New Plants? One of your associates in the spring mentioned they were getting new California Lilacs

Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Tags: new plants

Q. Is October Too Late to Transplant Daylilies?

Posted On: 10/7/2017 12:00:00 AM  | In Category : Plant Care

In the Lower Fraser Valley is early October too late to transplant a clump of well established daylilies? I do not want to divide the clump.

Location: North Delta, British Columbia, Canada
Tags: daylilies, transplant perennials, daylily, transplant daylily

Q. What Evergreen Plants to Use Along The East Side of a House?

Posted On: 10/7/2017 12:00:00 AM  | In Category : Garden Design

What plants could I plant along the east side of the house that stays evergreen. I want to hide the cement foundation of the house. Thanks.

Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Tags: evergreen plants, foundation plants, foundation plants, plants to hide cement foundation

Q. What narrow evergreen trees would you suggest for planting near a house

Posted On: 10/1/2017 12:00:00 AM  | In Category : Garden Design

I would like to plant an evergreen specimen tree in a bedding area about 10 ft. from my house. Would an Alaskan Weeping Cedar work? Or do you have other recommendations?

Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
Tags: trees, narrow trees, evergreen trees, narrow evergreens, weeping alaskan cedar
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